I just wanted to point out how remarkably smooth the Prius Performs at speeds over 100 mph. The folks inside the vehicle pointed out how it felt more like 70-75 mph rather than 100-105 mph, which was the speed. Although driving over 100 mph is illegal, the Prius nonetheless performs awesome at this speed. Therefore such speeds are NOT recommended. But I am just curious... Any such expierences? Perhaps at some legal speeds...
Do a search, there are several people on here that have had their Prius up to the factory speed-limited 109 mph! :blink:
at top speed you get around 15. A a little over. At 100 mph you get about 25mpg with cruise control on. It slowly gets a little higher because the battery can keep a full charge... er.. "full" An yes.. the car is smooth at those speeds. Very smooth. I was doing 90 the other day down Highway 1.. er.. i mean.. i saw someone doing 90
eh, the Prius creeps me out at anything above 75... Maybe it's because of several large 8 cylinder sports cars I've owned over the years, for which at 100, seemed like the Prius at 50... To me, it feels like it's working waaaaay too hard, even at 80... Plus, given its size, weight, tire width, etc., I just don't feel safe in it at those speeds... Obviously, I would imagine you folks don't run it at 100 constantly either... :lol: Then again... h34r:
Does anyone know if the speedometer has a hundreds digit? So when you hit 100 does it display as 100?
You can see it grayed out on the dash: [Broken External Image]:http://mysite.verizon.net/res0ot4f/Art/US06vsUK05.jpg Over 199, it looks like you're on your own tho'.
Prius speed...isn't that an oxymoron? Actually, no. The sensation of speed is what makes bicycles and motorcycles so much fun, and the *lack* of it makes the Prius fun on the highway. My favourite part is how quiet it is. Well, not the getting up to speed part, but the coasting. After passing somebody and lifting off the gas, the Prius just coasts along silently...no engine noise, hardly any wind noise...warp stealth at 160 kmh. Passing requires a little more planning, and a formula 1 approach to the throttle (on or off), but it can be done. Now if only it had a turbo so I can catch those pesky 5 litre Mustangs... Mileage? I have no idea. I tend to keep both hands on the wheel and both eyes out front at those speeds, regardless of what I'm driving. I do know the bicycle speedometer pegs out at 99.5 kmh, and the motorbike at 160 kmh. Not that they won't go faster...
Hhuuu... Now that I am settling down, I thought for a moment that I was going to see picture of all 3 mph digits lit. Whew...
Just did a 720 kilometer trip to Germany last week. With speeds up to the limit of 181 km/hr (on spedometer). No problem. Even with four people on board. The car feels like its top speeds is limited, not that that speed is the maximum the car could do. It feels really safe and stable. It still made 39 miles per gallon. Which isn't too bad. Did the same trip last year with the Peugeot I then had. That did 19 miles per gallon...
I’ve gone 105 in mine, but wasn’t pleased with the handling. However, it was before I installed the stiffening plate. I wouldn't do it again.
wasnt it road and track that ran the Prius at high speed until the traction battery stopped contributing and got about 18 mpg??
Hi every body, I have test the top speed of the Prius 2006. I was in Germany and there is no speed limit on the highway. (Most parts) It was very windy so it was not so funny. The rpm of the motor was very high but the speed went up to 180-181 km/h so 112.5 Mile/hour. The battery was after a while empty to only 1 bar on the display. The fule consumpsion was 11 liter /100km so 21,5 mile/gal The 180km on the Prius was exactly 170km on the GPS speed. The 170km is also the top speed in the manual. So it was not lied Cheers Andrew
To me, driving the Prius fast in not the problem... I just hated that mum steering without feedback. Without the feedback, it was a nightmare trying to keep the car going straight.