Interesting article: I also saw a show on CNN. if (actually WHEN) prices go up to $7 PG even the prius would not save us.
I wouldn't worry too much about this. Oil, like all fossil fuels, is completely renewable. So we lay off petroleum for about 100 million years. When we start up again, there'll be plenty to go around. Problem solved.
Don't worry. If Bush could find WMD when there were none, he will find oil when there is none. Let us pray.
I caught the preview on Anderson Cooper 360 on Friday, but due to all the wine at the Saint Paddy's bash my nice neighbors had put on, the details somehow escaped me. So I caught it on CNN last night. The point brought up on We Were Warned needed to be said, including the mistaken belief that the Tar Sands in Alberta will magically solve the problem. When you consider the reluctance of the American government to pay fair world market value for the energy resources, that should be understandable. Things like NAFTA and FTA had trapped Canada into supplying some resources EVEN if it meant shortages for Canada. Recent trade disputes like Softwood Lumber have put the future of NAFTA and FTA in doubt. Now the Chinese are not only willing to pay fair world market value, they're paying for the pipeline too. Money talks. But it's no different than the hidden subsidy of requiring a constant military prescence in the Gulf to protect oil shipments. Is it? I also found it *very* interesting that they were able to feature a former CIA director living in a solar house, driving a white Prius. Not driving something like an Expedition or Suburban. Face it: if former hawks are going Green and driving a Prius, and a former Texas Oilman is telling the nation "we're addicted to oil," you know you're in deep sh**.
This is just more govt. propagana to keep the sheeple compliant while gas prices are raised daily. It's time to take all taxes off gas to help the masses.
Canada's oil shale is supposed to be second only to Saudi Arabia's potential barrel yield, unfortunately the price needs to be $60 or more a barrel to make it a good deal to dig it out and process it. Maybe we can spare a few billion for that after Iraq and Iran and...
Read a good book regarding this subject. It is called "The Empty Tank" by Jeremy Leggett. In the section on gasoline his opinion is that we actually reached peak oil production in the early 70's and we are now easily outstripping our ability to find and tap new gas. It is also his opinion that it is no secret in the oil industry that we are tapping out. It is a highly regarded secret, however, since the truth would probably be enough to so some serious damage to economies around the world. Hell, our pump prices go up $.10/gallon if a tanker truck in Saudi blows a tire and can't make its delivery. It is books and stories like this that drove me even quicker into deciding that now is the time to get a Prius. I don't believe in everything I hear and read but certainly do believe strongly that the future for gasoline supply is not bright and that I would rather not put more money in the hands of governments who hate us. I also am a witness to the destruction of the earth and don't want to continue to stand on the sidelines while it happens.
I'm not one to buy into the whole doomsday stuff, but it seems folly to think that we can continue to increase our demand for oil without consequences. There is only a finite amount of oil and one of these days we literally won't be afford to not use alternative sources of energy.
The only think that doesn't make sense is why would the saudis pump more when they could easily pump less and charge more ? no ? Holly sxxx i'm freaking out take a look at this outlook:
Because that would encourage the users to wean themselves from their addiction. And the Saudis are just as addicted to oil consumption as we are: they like the money.
Arrrggh! Can we get beyond the tired, flawed "reasons" that H2 is such a great way to go? Sure we can make the electricity needed to make H2 by using green power. But why bother? It takes 4x the energy to make a Fuel Cell car travel a mile as it does to make a battery electric car travel a mile. If we have all this green power, let's not just toss it out the window! I've asked before, and I'll ask again: Show my ONE significant benefit of a Fuel Cell Vehicle over a Battery Electric Vehicle... and I'll shut up. At least for a minute or two. Thanks ScottY! I did enjoy it.
My wife just told me that oil dropped $2/barrel today. So why is the price of gas up 10 cents more today in S FL ?
Ouch. I know we've gone through this before. If we take the taxes off of gas, the poor people and SUV drivers rejoice. If we add more taxes, the entire world benefits. Cheap gas gives all the wrong messages. I'm all for taking the tax off, as long as we add back in the cost of environmental and health damage, and military protection. I'm not too thrilled about paying these costs for others. Quite the opposite of "govt. propoganda to keep us compliant" - the goverment is subsidizing oil which is helping us remain addicted. Do you realize how long it has taken our government to admit that we have a serious problem here? We've known since the 70's, and we're only now discussing it on the national level! Since the 70's we have been reliant on OUTSIDE sources of energy to maintain our quality of life in this country. Does that not scare the snot out of you? Cheaper gas means one thing for sure: We use more of it, and we rely more heavily on outside sources for our energy. Without energy we are nothing. And we don't control our energy. The longer we have cheap gas, the longer we don't control our energy. Help! Which was is up?