I'm trying to sell my 2012 Plug-In Prius. (Not a good car rural Bolivia). What is a reasonable price for the car, purchased in Feb. 2013, with 33,000 miles? $22,000? It has a 6 kWHr add-on pack in addition (separate item). What's that worth? Anyone interested?
i wouldn't buy a prius with an add on pack, so, that makes it difficult to value. without the pack, i would use on line pricing guides and whatever else is for sale in your area to compare it to. $22,000. seems quite reasonable. all the best!
Maybe you should mention the total EV range (PIP battery plus add-on 6kWh pack) you're getting to help sell your car... people are always asking for a PIP with extended range. By my calculations- you should get 25-30mile total EV range assuming you use 70% of the 6kW pack in addition to the 3.2kW from the PIP's battery.
congrats on the sale. if you're not using that add on pack, there are a few people here interested. all the best in bolivia!
The Car with the pack ended up selling for $25k. I hoped for more, but getting the sale done before leaving was good. What range did I get? Well, basically triple the normal range. On the BEST trip ever, I was able to achieve 61 miles. Where? From 2:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. on a Monday morning, driving 25 mph on flat roads. Why? 'Cause I was curious. How far CAN it go? Now I know. My best ever on the built-in pack alone was 19 miles.
I think you did very well. I'm actually concerned on resale value given the new incentives and new model coming down the road. In MA for instance there's a new $1500 tax back and you get it soon after purchase. Some owners have reported paying 27 lately so now we're talking 23k net after Fed tax back. Toyota 0% 5 yrs knocks that price lower. So a used one for over 20, 21 doesn't make sense
I bought a used 2012 with 18,000 miles for 21.5k. The same dealer has a 2013 with 8,000 miles on it and they are asking 26k. I'm pretty sure they'll sell it for 22k or 23k. Pricing is in NJ and I'm not aware of any state tax credit associated with PiP.
People were doing better than that in CA. $23k before ttyl for a base, so $19k after. the federal credit/state rebate.
It was also easy to get a sub 19 PiP here in WV at one point. 10k in tax credits and D.C. area dealers offering 3k discounts (plus more negotiation room) and 0% apr. Sadly those days are gone. My cost me 19 and change OTD after tax credits. I can sell it today and make a profit, albeit a small one.
if i'm going to take a $10,000. hit after 2 years, it's a good thing the next gen isn't coming for another 3!
as soon as MA initiated the state refunds I told my friend we'd all be screwed on resale value ! that's exactly what got me thinking about taking advantage of it though... keep in mind many of the states require you to hold onto your purchase for a certain time period - in MA its 3 yrs
yeah who knows if they'll enforce it but they could because when we file MA taxes they've got each vehicle listed due to the excise tax...
ya, maybe it's like a 1099, they get notified when the title transfers. is it prorated, or all or nothing?