Alright, I've finally had her back for about 3 weeks now. I've been just feeling her out for the most part and getting some work done. Thus far I have gotten her tinted with 3M Crystalline as the A/C could barely keep up without tinted windows. I also got a fresh set of Yokohama Avid Touring S since when I took her back from my mom, it was running on a pair of Falkens from the last time I had a full set of tires switched out, some used Michelin of unknown manufacture date (no DOT stamp to be found anywhere), and another used cheap-o chinese tire that was about to delaminate. After that I brought it back into my garage and did the alignment. Set the front toe to 0 and away I went. I also replaced the right tail lamp since it had a hole in the lens and changed out the headlight bulbs with a fresh pair of D4R's from DDM Tuning (only to find the factory ballasts are weak). The cabin filter was crazy nasty. I take that back. It was FUBAR. That had to be changed out on the freaking double. So, other than body shop work, she's pretty good. Interior is pretty clean. Some very light staining on the seats, but that's about it. Nothing that a extractor can't get out. Mechanically almost near perfect since it has always been dealer serviced (well that's about to change). The motor oil is probably a little old, but still looks good. I'll have it changed out with some Eneos 5w30 synthetic oil once my order of Denso oil filters come in for it. I have still yet to check the trans fluid since that's a pain in the nice person, but I'll probably just do a trans service anyways. I do have a suspension clunk that I suspect to be a work out strut mount. I also have some pulling when driving which I suspect might either be from that strut mount or a inner tie rod. As far as body work goes, she'll need a new front bumper, rear bumper, LR bumper retainer, RF bumper retainer, RR door skin, repair work on all other panels except hood and roof and a full respray. Oh, and the right side rocker is FUBAR'ed and crappily nice person spackled as well. Now here comes the pictures of how craptastic she is. Oh, and yes, the tape on the left rear bumper is "structural". It is the only thing holding that corner of the bumper to the body.
Driver's Ed car? Sorry, don't mean to offend. Bumps happen. If the trim rings were left on, they might have prevented a lot of that body damage.
The trim rings didn't come off until I got them because they were done. I don't think they helped much if at all.
Nice car Touring. That's not bad at all. Get 2 used bumpers and have them painted. Bumpers $150 each and paint is $175 each the retainers are $25 each on eBay. New door from junkyard is $250. To paint the door and body work on the quarter is around $600. Around $1800 all in.
I have one this lives by me that looks like it was used in a demo derby. This one looks mint compared.
The sad part is when I picked it up, it only had 63k miles on the clock Like I said, the only good panels are the hood and the roof only because my mom never figured out how to roll the car (thank God!). It's a bunch of little stuff that adds up. Hook up body shop quote was $4600 and non hook up body shop quote was $9500. I have no idea how you can get anything done bodywise in California for $1800 with all the regulatory BS we have here. It may be, but I wish it looked better with how low miles it has. Obligatory
Yeah its $4600 if you throw them the keys but not sure of your handy level of expertise. Your first post seems like your handy. A little wrenching and you'll save a alot of money. I measure everything from my standpoint and I'm 59 and I could do this. In fact I have on my 07.. Bumpers are easy. Just wait till you see good oem used one on Ebay and snag it X 2. Don't matter the color and there around $150. delivered. Pick up a used door from a junkyard or Craigs List and put in on yourself don't matter the color. All that's left is the very small area on the quarter panel above the tire and at the light. That's super easy. Then painting the quarter and the door. That's around $2000 all in. In fact the $4600 and they'll buy used bumpers too.
I'm good with mechanical and bolting body panels and stuff, but I am no painter and I am no body man. I'll probably do some prep for the shop before I bring it in (remove emblems, scuffing the paint, removing surface bondo, etc.), but I'll let the body guys get the panels straight and painted. By doing that, I'm pretty sure I could at least knock a good 5 or so hours of prep time.
Yeah that what I mean. You can sand down the used bumpers (smooth don't bother removing paint) and bring them to the painter. There $175 each here. They have to be painted off the car. Pretty easy to take off and re-install. Sand down the used door and lightly spray primer so it doesn't rust till it gets to the painter. And leave the minor quarter panel damage to the body guy. Find a smaller shop not the big shop the Insurance guys use. Pay him cash. You'll save thousands.
Yeah. I'm actually going with aftermarket bumpers that are made in Taiwan. They should be in sometime this week. The shop that's doing the work does some insurance jobs, but they do a lot of custom cars and all of my past project (including SEMA) cars have gone there for paint work.
Don't do that. I have already bought those aftermarket ones. There terrible. So flimsy there ridiculous. Which is why I recommended used bumpers. In fact the first time I got rear ended the top lins Toyoat shop installed used bumpers. I did not know that till I got hit again and that revealed the original paint underneath. The body shop I had mine painted out tried to tell me about the aftermarket ones but I had already ordered one. Big mistake.
Well, worst case scenario is I can always send it back if I don't like the build quality on the bumper, but in general, I've had pretty good luck with fit and durability of aftermarket bumpers
Get some of those stick figure "family" decals...preferably one's in which it looks like the family is trying to escape the rear window, and I think you are set. A thing of beauty is a joy forever.