I am sure I read somewhere that the 2014 advanced and/or advanced tech had larger wheels but am unable to confirm that now. Am I dreaming? Whenever I switch to EV mode after turning on the vehicle, it starts the ICE. Is this normal? If so, why would it do that? Sorry if this has been covered. Thanks.
Regarding the wheels and tires, Toyota USA shows P195/65R15 on 10 spoke alloys for all. Toyota Prius Plug-in Interior, Exterior & Safety Features Kinda nice to see some regular 15" alloys available for a Prius.
Whenever you start the PiP you ARE in EV mode, if it has enough charge in the battery. If you made the reasonable assumption that because you had finished driving the trip before in HV mode you needed to switch to EV after charging, you would actually be shifting to HV and therefore the ICE starts. Is that it? Apologies if I've misunderstood.
Yes, it's been covered many times, but it's a bit much to expect all new members to have read all the forums beforehand. Although, I recommend using the search tool first. Don't worry about the ICE starting and stopping. The Prius is leaps and bounds ahead of it's competitors in this market, and that's largely due to the design of the hybrid system. In order to accomplish consistent 50+ mpg performance, the ICE must engage occasionally for a variety of reasons, and when it does, it sips tiny amounts of fuel. I'm sure any tampering to reduce ICE running-time would only degrade performance and/or endanger the components.
It has to do with EPA regulations. The ICE has to heat up the car to running temperature for the catalytic converter to work. A cold engine produces a lot of polluting products.
I think this may be it. Thanks, retired. I'm slowly wading through all of the options, modes, and capabilities of this car. For instance, I've discovered that the car may be in EV mode, or ECO mode, or both. I'm trying to decipher what the combination (EV & ECO) accomplishes. (You don't need to reply to that. I'll get it figured out.) Yeah, thanks for the link, Mendel. I'm still scratching my head, trying to remember where I saw bigger wheels as part of an options set. Perhaps dementia plays a role here... In case it matters, I'd read the FAQ and did a search. I know it's irritating, answering the same questions over and over.
not at all, it's just that the faq has all the known reasons for the ice starting listed clearly. makes it easy for you to find out which is starting yours.