Hi all, I want to start off by stating that I'm an avid reader and did my best to search for similar issues with 2010/Gen III models before starting a new thread. If one exists related to this topic, please let me know. Thank you. A couple of days ago while driving my navigation map went out and a message appeared stating "Unable to read data. Please check if map DVD is correct." I've ejected the disc a few times to clean it with the appropriate cloth, which helps temporarily, but the issue is becoming more common. (The disc says: DVD Navigation Map, North America, U-90, D.) Has anyone else had this problem? I have never changed the CD nor had I touched it before this error began taking place. Any advice or ideas would be very much appreciated. Thank you!
I run the car with the windows down about 50 percent of the time. Other times I usually have the a/c on, heat or cold. And nobody smokes in the household, and I transport my pet in a carrier maybe once a year in the car. The car has about 74,000 miles on it right now and is almost 5 years old. I didn't find anything in the navigation manual that would address this, and I'm a little reluctant to take it to get checked out, but if that's what it comes down to I'll take it in.
Friedpez, your problem does sound like a dirty or failing optical drive. If it's not happening all the time I would not take this to the dealer as either you'll be told "can't replicate the problem" or that replacing the drive will probably fix the issue. Maybe a newer unit with disc from the junk yard is a viable alternative.
Current DVD version is U95.... and I hope to see the next one coming out shortly as we got some new roads built around here. I know what these things cost, and would suggest that you get a new disc for the updates, but to save money, get yourself a good quality blank double sided DVD like a verbatim. You can make a copy of your factory disc for your own use using your computer if you happen to have a DVD burner. Make sure the book type is set to DVD Rom, and select the slowest speed possible with any option to confirm or check the accuracy is turned on. My suspicion is that the disc that is stored in your car all the time is degrading and that it is less likely that the lens on the reader in the car is dirty and more that the disc is going. I hope that will help, I'd only stick a cleaning DVD in there as a last resort myself. Roland
Thanks for the advice. It seems logical that any disc, after being used/played for five years straight, would experience normal wear and tear. I think I'll start by purchasing the updated disc as it's around $100, which could end up being far cheaper than taking it to a dealer's service just to be told there's a whole chain of problems. Once I have the new DVD, are there any special steps to take before loading it? Or will just popping it in suffice?
I agree I is better to get the update, why I mentioned it to you. No, it is just a matter or inserting the disc back into the drive and leaving the system powered up while it reads it... it can take a few minutes as it will also update your system going from the U90 to U95?.... if that is the one you are buying. Your present destinations and most things are saved, just review all the options after it finishes and you are safely parked as many items cannot, and should not be accessed while your car is in motion. We are very close to the fall when a New update becomes available, keep both that in mind, and also the fact that you can likely find a slightly lower price if you scrounge around. Perhaps make a call to any dealer and ask about the expected time of the new release and their cost. Up here they seem to go for $140, CAD... but I have seen eBay sellers asking more and less. Finally pay attention that they are selling you the GEN6 disc.... Roland
Thank you for all your advice. I am going to embarrass myself by admitting I am not sure what GEN6 refers to. Is it just a number that ensures compatibility? Or is it a model number?
Your 2010 Prius uses a Generation 6 Denso unit. Just make sure you buy your new Navigation DVD for a 2010 Prius.... as a new disc for a 2009 etc. is not going to work. Roland
Makes sense. Alright, thank you! I am still in love with the car but I've just noticed random changes since I got the latest recall notice taken care of (the engine stalling). In addition to the navigation map issues, the rear battery vent/fan is almost constantly running. I know the dealer offered to clean it out (for $250!) but I declined given that I drive alone 90% the time and do not transport pets on a regular basis. It's just interesting to see these "coming of age" matters for my Prius. Thanks again.
You're welcomed, but get that fan looked after. Believe there are some threads here to help you do it yourself. Mine has never run as far as I know... if it has it was so quiet that I can't hear it. And my Prius has never stalled. I'm at just over 98,000 kms. All the best, let us know how things go. Roland
$140? I gotta get it where you're getting it. Mine was $198! I've never heard the fan run on the Gen 2 or Gen 3 until last week in the Gen 3. I heard a noise that sounded like wind noise (I was doing 80km/h) so I figured it was the battery fan running. It stopped after a while (maybe 10-15 mins?) It was 30°C outside and I just topped up the battery coming down Hwy 5 into Kamloops. (That being said, I have driven it in 30°C weather without hearing the fan but the difference was that the battery wasn't topped up)
The way you described it is perfect; the noise sounds like wind or a window left open. One way or another I'll get things taken care of. I might look for some DIY threads to see if I can take a stab at it this weekend. Thanks again, everyone!
Alright, so it's been about three weeks since I last posted about the issue. Since then, I've noticed that the sounds of the disc being read have stopped altogether. Also, the most common error message now displayed is that there's no disc, asking me to insert a DVD. I think it might be a malfunction of the laser or device that's reading the disc. I've tried ejecting the disc, cleaning it with an appropriate cloth, and reinserting it, but it's to no avail. Unfortunately (or fortunately) I'll be out of the country for the first three weeks of September but I think I'll get it checked out once I return. If anyone has any additional thoughts I'd appreciate it!
A while back I burned a nav DVD on my computer & it worked fine in the Prius. While traveling, at a location ~300 miles away, I started getting the "unable to read data" (iirc) message at times. It seems the nav unit would retry & eventually get the data needed but the message would still pop up at times. When I got back to my home area the nav unit performed flawlessly. The fix to my problem was to burn the DVD on another computer. This new DVD has been in operation for ~6 months with no problems anywhere that I currently travel to. So it is possible for the DVD to be the cause of these problems. But note - my DVD was one I created (or burned), not an OEM DVD which is pressed & is _much_ better quality. Maybe you could find another 2010 Prius owner with nav & swap DVDs & see if your disk will work on a known good nav unit? I think 2010 & 2011 both use the same GEN6 DVD - not positive.
I also have a 2010 Prius and have started having the exact same DVD error with my NAV system. I had assumed the problem was with the DVD reader and not the DVD itself, but I saw people on here were proposing it could just be the DVD. Could someone who's had this problem please post an update? Did it solve the problem long term to just make a copy of the failing DVD on your computer? Or did you end up having to swap/replace some hardware?
Any update to this thread, I've tried everything, cleaned with compressed air, inserted dvd cleaner disk, switched out disk and nothing is working. Has anyone had any luck? The unit should not go bad after 6 years, that is complete crap. I really don't care about the map I just can't sync my new phone with Bluetooth for the radio.
Problem is maps dvd player loads all the software for the whole sound system(stupid) . So dvd player is garbage and has to be replaced. Its broken. And dust in car gets in and or mechanism is busted. You have to replace it inside console. It can be fixed at audio shop. They are familiar with the problem.