I was looking at my 2007 Prius non touring and it looks to me like the rear of the car sits lower then I am used to. Is there a certain height that a certain part of the rear of the car that I can measure from a flat surface that would tell me? Any guidance is greatly appreciated
There probably is a specific dimension that could be measured and compared to a manufacturer's specification. I don't know what that might be. I do know that the height on level ground to the two jack points (just behind the front wheel and just ahead of the back wheel) appear to be equal on my car. Make sure you have proper tire inflation and check those heights. They should be nearly equal. Any heavy loads in the trunk? Now or recently?
Someone else with the same year and tire size can compare the distance between the top of their tire and the underside of the wheel opening (gap). I think that should be a fair indication.
Thanks for all your help everyone, and no i have not had any loads in the car that would be significant. I will get my tire size and get back with you all. Thanks again.