No, the battery should still have enough power to start the car after 2 weeks. Deep discharge cycles will shorten the life of the 12V battery, so if parked for more than a week, I would connect a battery maintainer to keep the 12V charged. The Prius 12V is an AGM type deep cycle battery. Make sure any battery maintainer you consider is safe for AGM type batteries. I use a BatteryMINDer brand charger/ desulfator/ maintainer sold by Northern tool. A very good unit to maintain a Prius battery. Mine has the optional wiring harness so it can be hardwired to the battery and stored in the under floor tray.
All of the above discussion assumes your 12V battery is in great condition. If not then you very well may have a no-start problem after 10 days. It would help for you to fully-charge the 12V battery prior to your storage period.