I'm looking to pick one of these up to try it out. I see them new on eBay for $49, but I was just checking here first to see if anyone had removed one when selling or trading their Gen II. Thanks,
Don't waste your money, those braces are worthless especially if you are still running stock 15 wheels/tires. It's all in your mind if you think they do any good. Best upgrade performance wise is to upgrade to 17's wheels or go with the Prius touring 16's, mileage will be affected, but if handling is what you are after it is the way to go. And your Prius will look 10x better. I had the BT plate on my 2nd gen. Prius . I have the 2014 Prius hatchback pack 3 Prius now with 17's , and handling and steering is significantly better compared to the stock 15 set up.
I picked up a G7 Performance Stiffening Plate on Ebay and i've noticed a BIG difference. The back end of the car doesn't wander and feels tighter in the turns/less flex. It's the BEST $49.99 i've spent on the Prius, I mean it's not racec car stiff but it's worth the money. 4 Bolts for the install it's REALLY EASY and a NO BRAINER! btw, i have the 16' touring wheels, no need to spend on 17's and waste gas.
the brace do make a different buddy. COming from a guy that used to own a STI. I got rear sway plus front chassis brace. And it make a huge different. Check out on Ebay
I actually don't have a big problem with how the Prius handles, but I wanted to try one out. Getting 17" wheels and tires is in a whole different dollar realm than a $49 brace. This is more of a curiosity thing to me than trying to make my Prius handle dramatically better. I appreciate the various viewpoints. that's why I'm here. Thanks,