Proud to be the newest member of the PiP club!! Sold my 2008 Prius II and leased this new baby. Charged it up last night and MPG was great this morning on my 14 mile commute. Drove about 4 miles local on EV and 10 miles on the highway cruising @ 60mpg - very healthy 79 mpg for the trip!
YEP! I am trying to maximize my mpg - this morning got another cool 82 mpg. I've been trying to drive on EV in local roads, and switch to ECO Mode while cruising on the highway. This way I get to use EV both ways. If anyone has any more suggestions on how to squeeze more mileage out - I would gladly love to try it out!
Congrats! I'm new too and been lurking here for a week or so. I got my Prius on July 6th. I would post pictures but they look exactly like yours! Roughly 300 miles now and I average about 63 mpg, 20% EV
I want to tint mine as well. My grey Gen II Prius was tinted with 30% and looked great...I would love to see your tints to see how they look. 15% would be ideal but upstate NY cops are not very tint-friendly....
My commute is only two miles longer than yours, with similar length legs. You might try the following on one of your commutes. You didn't mention if you have the option to recharge at work. If you do you would be able to get very high mileage by simply staying in EV mode each way. On the highway, going and returning, at speeds above 62-63 mph you would be running in "EV-boost mode" until your wall charge is used up but only a few miles would remain of highway driving before exiting so only a few ICE miles in ECO mode on the HSI until you exit and could likely run in ECO-EV mode to your work place if slow enough, or to your home on the return trip. If you can't recharge at work you can still get excellent mileage by doing what you described for the trip to work, then return home by leaving work using your remaining EV miles (maybe 9-10?) but stay in that mode on the highway and drive in EV-boost mode as mentioned above until EV miles are used, then the ICE will take over and you'll finish the highway miles in ECO and try to keep local road speeds below around 42-43 mph in order to max out ECO-EV mileage. Avoid the lead foot, try to feather the accelerator, be willing to slow a bit on inclines. See what this does for you and let us know!
If there is elevation difference, you may be able to make one way in full electric. This way, you'll only be hit with one gas engine warmup instead of two.
That's pretty dark. Look really nice. Too bad I cannot do it legally in NJ... No front window tints are allowed here.
Not allowed in California either. But that doesn't seem to stop anyone. And especially in southern California, the cops don't seem to care either. More like something they would only cite you for if they were specifically looking for something to write you up for.