not sure if this has been posted before. i havent see one that is related to this issue. i have a 2014 prius plugin, and when i am playing spotify on a note 3 and connected via bluetooth, every so often, the audio and everything cuts out for a split second. i've read that it might by due to the phone checking for wifi signals, so i turned that off, but still have the issue. anyone else have this issue? please note, this is not the same issue as others where the songs skips to the end or does something else. this issue is just a quick dropout which is simply annoying. everything else works fine, such as audio title/record name display. any ideas? thanks in advance for the help
Yes. Android will interrupt music play when any alert, text, or email comes in. Normal, and AFAIK, no way to disable that behavior.
I attended a celebration for new owners at my Toyota dealer yesterday evening. The General Manager was there and he gave a talk about Bluetooth. He said it is an imperfect system. It does not matter if it is in a Toyota or Rolls Royce, it is the same. He said you could be having a conversation with someone and for instance stop at a stop light and it might go dead. Pull up a foot and it might come back. The cutting out and in is normal for Bluetooth and has nothing to do with Toyota and nothing can be done about it. I am just relaying to you what he said.
I wasn't aware that expertise in wireless digital communication protocols and technology was in the purview of a Toyota dealer's GM. In a word, he's full of bull pucky.
hmm...I think if you lower the "notification" volume in your Android sound settings, this will go away. If it is, in fact, the phone changing the sound.
Not sure about that, unless there's a "none" option. Low volume alerts would still interrupt the BT stream, regardless of whether you hear 'em or not.
Ah yes, good point. I guess you could install the Tasker app and set an option to change your notification to "None" only while it is connected to the Car Audio Bluetooth. Hmmm... I'll try that this afternoon and see if it works...