Colorado Going Smoke Free! Awesome!

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by naterprius, Mar 19, 2006.

  1. naterprius

    naterprius Senior Member

    Mar 15, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    So, Colorado will be smoke free indoors on July 1. I for one will be celebrating by spending lots of money at a formerly smokey club down in Denver. Not spending money dry cleaning my leather jacket should leave me coming out ahead.

    I guess the real question is: Who's going to be last? (Which state will be the last holdout?).

    I went back to Michigan recently. Boulder county is already smoke free and has some of the finest restaurants and bars in the country. Classy, clean, places for families. Michigan restaurants and bars? Dirty, gross, smokey, not places you want to spend a lot of time.

    Studies now show what I've suspected all along: When the 24% of smokers are forced out, the 76% of non-smokers show up and spend even more money.,00.html

  2. Schmika

    Schmika New Member

    May 27, 2005
    Xenia, OH
    My only problem is with demonizing and forbidding a legal product. Let's stop pussyfooting around. Outlaw the sale of cigarettes and only allow personal use and personal "growth" of tobacco and ONLY in your own home...with no kids.
  3. Godiva

    Godiva AmeriKan Citizen

    Apr 8, 2005
    San Diego, CA
    2005 Prius
    Just because something is legal doesn't mean it is legal everywhere.

    Alcohol is legal but there are places you cannot have it. Currently it is outlawed on our beaches. Previous to that glass containers were outlawed, whether alcohol or non. Now it's glass containers and all alcohol.

    Certain legal objects are not allowed in our Courthouse. Mostly things that are sharp.

    Smoking has been outlawed on planes. Otherwise legal objects are also barred from planes.

    I think it's nice that the 76% have clean air to breathe. The 24% can always step outside if they can't go long enough between drags. And hopefully the business establishments will not only enjoy added revenue from the 76%, but also cut operating expenses related to clean-up and replacement of items with cigarette burns.
  4. bgdrewsif

    bgdrewsif New Member

    Mar 10, 2006
    Phoenix, Arizona (formerly Bowling Green, Ohio)
    2006 Prius
    Colorado just moved wayyyy up on my potential list of places to go move to after college graduation! WAY TO GO COLORADO! (That list now being (San Diego county CA, Madison Wisc., Morgantown WV, Portland OR, and Somewhere in Colorado, among other places)
  5. jeneric

    jeneric New Member

    Oct 27, 2005
    Redmond, WA
    WA just did this. Last week we went to Azteca and the guy asked us smoking or non-; my wife said non- and he led us off. I'm like "what!?!" and the guy's just cracking up at her.

    Seems like "Daniel's Cigar Room" or places like that ought to be able to be an exception or something. I guess other places have gotten around the law in other states by giving their employees 1% of stock or something, making them owners. We'll see.

    Too bad I don't hang out in bars much anymore.
  6. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005
    gah, I say price cigarette packs at $30 a pop, and use the profits to pay for our national debt and free healthcare... :ph34r:
  7. bgdrewsif

    bgdrewsif New Member

    Mar 10, 2006
    Phoenix, Arizona (formerly Bowling Green, Ohio)
    2006 Prius

    AMEN to that!!! (But why stop at $30.00???) :D
  8. Drifter

    Drifter Member

    Jan 13, 2005
    chicago area
    Good news! The only problem is that my vacation to Colorado is going to be in June. Can you move it up a month?

  9. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    When are we going to recognize that smoking in a home where there are children is a form of child abuse?

    Presently, property rights are valued above human rights, and children have very few rights indeed. Extreme physical violence on children is illegal, but all sorts of abuse is permitted on the grounds that parents have the right to make decisions for and about their kids. And a parent's "right" to smoke at home trumps a child's right to breathe smoke-free air.

    This is a pet peeve of mine because in my father's house (where I was required, much against my will, to spend alternate weekends) everybody smoked. And I was chastised (for rudeness!!!) if I tried to wave the smoke away from me while my father smoked in the car (which added considerably to my carsickness).

    No, I have no sympathy at all for smokers. Let them inject nicotine with a syringe if they must, but smoking should be illegal. Period.
  10. huskers

    huskers Senior Member

    Aug 21, 2005
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    Smoking has killed more people than fires, traffic accidents, AIDS, and all wars put together...yet we still allow it to happen. Someone dies every 8 seconds from smoking related illnesses. Tobacco companies have a lot of power in keeping their business alive and doing well. :blink:
  11. MarinJohn

    MarinJohn Senior Member

    Feb 6, 2004
    CA has had a smoke-free place of employment ban since the late '90's. Personally, being a non-smoker this has made my enjoyment of indoor public places much better and I enjoy going out more because of the ban. However, I do feel a twinge of remorse for all the remaining smokers standing out in the rain sucking on their cigs. Not that much remorse, mind you as some take great pains to stick as close to the door as possible and let their smoke drift inward, as well as the many who take that last puff and exhale after they return inside. I don't think they know/care how much they stink. While I don't know the exact regulations I would not be opposed to places like John's Cigar and tobacco emporium from allowing smoking, but the ban is supposed to protect employees more than general non-smokers. While I would not be as radical as to support non-smoking in private homes WITHOUT CHILDREN, I find it criminal to see cars with kids in them and adults smoking in such a small enclosed space. However to gently remind such an inconsiderate smoker in a car with children in it of the harm they are doing to their children is to invite invectives and X-rated language. Unfortunately, all these bans also affect marijuana smoking indoors, which once didn't matter as you could barely tell the pot from the tobacco stench. I do remember the "old" days when we could share a joint after a meal in our favorite chineese resturant, or freely smoke pot in a train smoking car. Still, smoke is smoke and better to eliminate it all than none. Although I am not a total tea-totaler, I would support reducing drinking to bars only as well as it is another legal but dangerous drug which affects us all when drunks get ugly and/or overdo it to the detriment of their health which I am expected to pay for. While we're on the subject of dangerous drugs, lets talk sugar...
  12. Emma

    Emma New Member

    Feb 3, 2006
    Lake Erie Region - USA
    We've had a few restaurants go smoke-free in the past year or so, but I don't see my city or state going completely smoke-free anytime in the near future...unfortunately.

    I'm in the process of starting a letter-writing campaign to the restaurants that haven't yet gone smoke-free encouraging them to do so. Not sure how it will go over, but you don't know until you try!

    Maybe those places that are now smoke-free could change their "section" names....they now have room for w/children and w/out children sections in restaurants! :lol:
  13. hycamguy07

    hycamguy07 New Member

    Feb 18, 2006
    Central Florida
    2007 Prius
    Smoking has killed more people than fires, traffic accidents, AIDS, and all wars put together...yet we still allow it to happen. Someone dies every 8 seconds from smoking related illnesses. Tobacco companies have a lot of power in keeping their business alive and doing well. I would like to see the stats.
    We've had a few restaurants go smoke-free in the past year or so, but I don't see my city or state going completely smoke-free anytime in the near future...unfortunately.

    I'm in the process of starting a letter-writing campaign to the restaurants that haven't yet gone smoke-free encouraging them to do so. Not sure how it will go over, but you don't know until you try!

    Maybe those places that are now smoke-free could change their "section" names....they now have room for w/children and w/out children sections in restaurants! LOL yeah now we can discriminate someone for somthing else will it ever end..? Oh you have a loud child you have to sit in the back or outside! lol
    When are we going to recognize that smoking in a home where there are children is a form of child abuse? :eek: :blink: Dont forget drinking and R rated movies also..!!

    Presently, property rights are valued above human rights, and children have very few rights indeed. Extreme physical violence on children is illegal, but all sorts of abuse is permitted on the grounds that parents have the right to make decisions for and about their kids.(ahh whats wrong with our country let the kids do what they want) And a parent's "right" to smoke at home trumps a child's right to breathe smoke-free air. :huh: Here its just the opposite the kids have more rites than you do..

    This is a pet peeve of mine because in my father's house (where I was required, much against my will, to spend alternate weekends) everybody smoked. And I was chastised (for rudeness!!!) if I tried to wave the smoke away from me while my father smoked in the car (which added considerably to my carsickness). :(

    No, I have no sympathy at all for smokers. Let them inject nicotine with a syringe if they must, but smoking should be illegal. Period. Hmm smoking abuse I have not heard of that one sounds a little nutty unless you want to ban drinking beer & ect. also, LOL :huh:

    gah, I say price cigarette packs at $30 a pop, and use the profits to pay for our national debt and free healthcare... Again They should do the same to alcohol (beer, wine & liquor) $60 a six pack. Wow wanna see crime rise? Yes alcohol effects the user but if the user drives or becomes disorderly then you are at risk.

    Here in Fla. smoking is banned in all public blgs & restraunts. with the exception of bars that do not serve food And have designated areas outside.. Because sitting inside breating the recirculated air is better for you

    This first we need to ban all guns, then all knives, then all sticks & bats, Because next that will be what is killing people.. If a person wants to smoke its their right just like drinking alcohol (beer, wine & liquor).. :blink:

    LOL once you ban everything and your bubble is safe. Only the bad guys will have everything and the bubble will again be threatened..! B)

    I have respect for others until they try to cram thier beliefs down my throat thats where I draw the line I will smoke where I want outside if it offends you fine then dont sit next to me... I will not move.. :p

    smoking is not something you are born with, it is a behavior after all,, somewould argue the same for homosexuality is a behavior along with other behaviors lol Dammt lets just ban everything.. :lol:

    Good Times!!!
  14. TonyPSchaefer

    TonyPSchaefer Your Friendly Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 11, 2004
    Far-North Chicagoland
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    Yeah, but the free healthcare would go right back for the smokers. It would be a federal cruel joke.

    I'm thinking that Colorado will soon be added to the list of potential vacation spots for the Schaefer household.
  15. Emma

    Emma New Member

    Feb 3, 2006
    Lake Erie Region - USA
    Asking to be seated away from children, especially those who are not properly controlled by their guardians, is not "discriminatory" towards anyone...I'm not asking that they be banned from restaurants.

    There's a saying..."your right to swing your arm ends where my nose begins." I would argue that the same is true for cigarette smoking....someone's right to smoke ends where someone else's lungs begin.

    And I would love to see a smart kid take his/her parents to court over the kid's right to not breathe cigarette smoke in the home. I think that would make for a very interesting case.
  16. cmwade77

    cmwade77 New Member

    Mar 8, 2006
    That would be a fun case indeed. I think we should ban smoking altogether, smoking is not something you are born with, it is a behavior after all, there is no question to that and it should be illimnated, we ban other drugs, why not tobacco?
  17. jeneric

    jeneric New Member

    Oct 27, 2005
    Redmond, WA
    I suppose there's some price point where people will start growing their own or buying under the table.
  18. naterprius

    naterprius Senior Member

    Mar 15, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I have a co-worker who finally quit smoking in part because he is sick of standing out in the bad weather.

    The "smoking group" is kind of like the water cooler, though, there are a few things to learn, some rumors, some gossip, some genuine business gets conducted. Not that I'm jealous of the smoke, but the smoke breaks and the "smoking group" are one of the reasons another co-worker still smokes.

    I like the "don't hire smokers" policy. Improves productivity, and saves me money on my health insurance premium. Also, the policy holds up in a court of law.

    Michigan municipalities were banned from banning smoking by the State Supreme court under a lawsuit brought to the state by the Tobacco Lobby. Big Tobacco sees local bans as the fuel for statewide bans. Once people see how nice it is to go the bar, club, restaurant, strip club, etc, and not have to put up with the smoke, they want it everywhere. Wayne County has decided to implement a local ban anyway, and then wait for Big Tobacco to come after them. It does not include bars, restaurants, or nightclubs, so it is of little use to the public, but it's a start.

  19. TonyPSchaefer

    TonyPSchaefer Your Friendly Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 11, 2004
    Far-North Chicagoland
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    I used to take smoking breaks with the guys at the office. I always tried to stand up wind and they respected my decision to not smoke and not stink. Why did I do it? Like everyone else, I would really like a 20 minute break every two hours.

    That' what pushed a friend of mine to take up smoking. Someone here in the military or with a military background can agree or disprove this, but this is the story he told me:
    While serving on a carrier, the smokers got 10-minute breaks every hour to go smoke. The non-smokers kept working. When he addressed his superior about that, his superior stated that it's very clear: smokers get one 10-minute break every hour.

    He took up smoking, smoked the rest of his tour, and quit when he got home.
  20. Emma

    Emma New Member

    Feb 3, 2006
    Lake Erie Region - USA
    Wow. That's a heck of a liberal smoking policy. In every place I've worked (alway private sector), everyone has been entitled to the same 15 minute break in the morning before lunch and one 15 minute break in the afternoon after lunch.

    It seems to me that allowing smokers more breaks discriminates against the non-smokers.