Here's the link Online Nav Tutorial Edited by Tideland Prius: Here's the Toyota version Prius Online Nav Tutorial
Maybe I haven't looked at this tutorial thoroughly enough but my impression is that it's OK for beginners but is superficial and does not cover the more advanced procedures.
Yep, that was agreat link for those of us who haven't taken delivery yet. Thanks heaps for that link. I can't wait for November 6th!
The presentation is dead on to how the Prius system works, right down to the voice used for guidance. For all intents you are looking at the Prius system, there are no differences. It doesn't show everything, but is still a great overview. For instance, it shows selecting points of interest (POIs) from the touch screen (which you can do), but my Prius loves my voice, so I do that using verbal commands. Just say "ATM" or "I'm Hungry", and all the relevant POIs show up. It is very cool. B) One other minor difference I noticed is I didn't see the phone button on the "INFO" screens. With the Prius you can say "Italian Restaurant", have all the associated restaurants pop up on screen, touch one of them, then you get the name of the restaurant and an "INFO" button. You press that, and you see the phone number with a little telephone icon. You touch that, and it calls the restaurant so you can make reservations! Very cool... B) You'll will need about 45 minutes to watch everything, but it gives you something to look at while you're waiting for your car! If you do the NAV motion override dance, it will let you program the NAV system while on the move! You can even override while on the move!
Override Bluetooth Restrictions? Does the Navigation Dance override the Bluetooth dialing restrictions too?
No, Coastal Electronics is working on one as an option to their NAV price for both $149. They are taking orders, but haven't started shipping yet....maybe by the end of the year. The url is: Nav Kit + Bluetooth mod
The NAV override dance does let you use the INFO button to dial Points of Interest, so it's a start. There's also a wire you can interrupt for the Bluetooth similar to the wire you can interrupt to override the NAV system: With this mod you would flip the switch, use the features of the phone system that get greyed out while moving, then flip the switch back when you are done.
I just added a bluetooth phone and have discovered a minor issue - per your note about calling a POI with the phone icon, when I do that the system adds a 1 in front of the number (making 602-555-1212 become 1-602-555-1212), even though it doesn't need to dial 1 (ever, in fact, as it should always just dial the area code plus seven digits). Any ideas on why this is happening and how I can change it? I looked through all the settings and couldn't find anything. Thanks!!!
Are you sure it isn't a setting on your phone? My son made a Bluetooth call with his Verizon Treo 650 two weeks ago (in my Prius) and it worked fine. I don't have BT on my Treo 600, so I don't use the Prius system. [Edit Apr 18th, 13:38PDT] The phone call he made wasn't via the POI system, just a conventional call to someone. So never mind...