Help with Can-View+Soundgate VidToyo1

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by hawkjm73, Mar 18, 2006.

  1. hawkjm73

    hawkjm73 New Member

    Apr 19, 2005
    Phoenix, Arizona
    I was previously using the SoundGate Vidtoyo1 as my video converter for a backup camera. I have since added a Can-View to my car. Now, I just cannot convince the Vidtoyo1 to send a usable signal to the Can-View for the camera. I had created my own cable to take its output RGB+S and ground to the scart connector on the CanView. When I left its input connected to the nav video out, I got nasty blurry and scrolling video morphs on the screen, even when the second video was not selected on the CanView. When I disconnected that input, I got a blank screen, but the rest of the CanView video worked as desired.

    So, my question is: has anybody convinces these two devices to play nice? If so, are you willing to explain how you did the wiring? I'm just about to give up and get the converter mentioned on the CanView website instead.
  2. eflier

    eflier Silver Business Sponsor

    Jul 23, 2005
    Fraser Valley BC
    If you have Red to J4 scart pin 15
    Blue to pin 7
    Green to pin11
    Sync to pin 19
    and at least one ground to any of pins 4,5 9,13,14 17,18 or 21
    Then my guess at whats happening is an overload signal coming from the Toyo because it expects to be driving a set of 75 ohm terminations and without them the signal amplitude may be so high that it overloads the CAN-view video multiplexer.
    So perhaps try soldering on resistors to ground of between 75 to 150 ohms on RGB and Sync

    Worth a try before giving up and buying that UK converter?
  3. hawkjm73

    hawkjm73 New Member

    Apr 19, 2005
    Phoenix, Arizona

    I will give that a shot. I wonder, though, shouldn't the signal from the converter and the signal from the nav be the same strength? Or, is the MFD more forgiving of the signal power? While I'm playing with this, do I need to be worried about blowing my CAN-View?
  4. eflier

    eflier Silver Business Sponsor

    Jul 23, 2005
    Fraser Valley BC
    The MFD being the last device in the video chain is the one with 4 built-in 75 ohm termination resistors. (Which typically cut the signal amplitude by half) The suggested UK converter doesn't put out enough signal for good contrast to be terminated at both CAN-view AND the MFD, but works fine with just one set of terminators in the MFD.

    Inputting too big a signal from another source (like the Toyo) will not cause damage but can cause unwanted signal bleed-through if the video/sync is more than the 2.5vp-p maximum that CAN-view is designed for. This isn't a gradual phenomenon. Above 2.5v p-p, you can expect increasing amounts of bleedthrough; below 2.5v p-p, no effect at all. Terminators should cut this down to manageable size.

    But then again, maybe this isn't the problem at all......