Hi fellow Prius'ers. I'm a week into being a Prius owners and so far, so good! I'm reading through these threads and seeing folks getting 55+ mpg so I'm wondering if I'm looking at the wrong display. I'm mostly watching the ECO score which shows my average mpg to be around 45. What is the best screen to track to be sure I'm driving most efficiently?
Welcome to the World of Prius! Use them all for a while to find what you deem most helpful for you driving habits. That will also give you an idea of what's going on with all that fancy hybrid stuff you paid for.
Good advice from Mr. Incredible. After spending time with most all the screens, I gravitate to these two: I just ran out and snapped them - excuse the quality. You can, of course, switch between ODO and the trip meters A and B with the 'trip' button. I didn't even discover the ECO SAVINGS screen until over a year in the car! I felt like an idiot.
I like to switch between the ECO savings screen and the current or instantaneous MPG screen that also shows your MPG in 5 minute increments. It really helps show you how your throttle inputs affect your MPG's for any situation.
I like using the 5 min MPG graph screen, to see how the car does in different situations over time, day to day, and also because it's the only screen that shows instantaneous mileage via graph. I also like to make pictures with it. So far I've made a hand with the index finger pointing forward, as if to press a button, a hand giving the middle finger, a staircase, and a NY city skyline pre-9/11.
If you have trim level 3 or 4, you can get this view on the "big" screen by pushing the CAR button and then selecting the Trip Information tab. This allows you to keep the ECO SCORE view (or whatever your favorite view) up.