I just happened to spot some tiny bubbles around the edges of the plastic sill at the driver's door. The edges apparently hold on to some salty winter gunk. There's more to see after pulling up the plastic sill. Still, the metal seems solid enough, if I can get this wire-wheeled clean and primed and painted soon. The driver's door is the only one showing any sign of this. -Chap
I've also got some on the bottom of the front fender. A bunch of leaves got stuck in there and caught a bunch of dirt. Noticed them after I noticed some bubbling at the bottom (skinniest part of the fender). Pulled the leaves and cleaned the dirt out. Leaves and dirt were wet though it hadn't rained in weeks. Debris was holding moisture there causing rust. Another thing to keep an eye on. You could see the leaves with the door open.
It's best to remove the plastic fender liner at the lower back of the front fenders then you can really get in there and clean / wash it out and repaint (both of mine were full of junk). Also check at the bottom front of the rear wheel wells.