The rubber on all my CV joint boots looks really good. Really amazingly good, I don't see anything that looks like a tear or split anywhere, or even anything looking like weak spots. And yet ... Both of the inboard joints are leaking some grease that looks like it's coming right out under the lip of the boot at the fat end, beyond where it's clamped. (Please forgive the low-quality picture from the snaky cam.) Is that common? Even though the noise I was checking into turned out to have a simpler explanation .... I guess I will have to deal with the CV boots at some point too. -Chap
Can't really see anything in those pictures but yes. Not uncommon for grease to leak past the boot even if it's not torn. Rubber is old and worn. Clamp not fitting as tight as a result.
Why are nails and screws always attracted to good tyres? Never happens to a slick with only a few mm to go, always a brand new one lol