Well when I got home tonite my wife met me at the car, She was upset, she hit a curb with the rim ring. Anyone know where to get a rim ring? thanks Melanie and Jim
Try ebay. I always see them on there. I know the wheels look great without them, I just can't get the courage to remove them. BTW... I do have some scuffs on them. Glad I had them to protect the wheels.
You don't need them. I just sold mine to a guy that wanted a set for some reason. It won't affect your MPG.
are you in the socal area? if so, i'll give you mine. they're brand new and were removed a few days after purchase let me know
I saw my wheels without the trim rings when the tire dealer forgot to put them back on, and I wanted them back. It's all a matter of taste...
I did too, until I cleaned the wheels good while washing the car... they look really good without them if you keep them clean. But it is easier to clean with them on. YOu can have mine too if your in my area.
I took mine off, got several opinions (including my own of course) and promptly put them back on. Beauty is certainly in the eye of the beholder. Here's an Ebay listing I found for 1 trim ring with a Buy It Now of $7.95: 2005 Toyota Prius 16" Trim Ring for Aluminum Wheel
If IMHYBRID doesn't live in So. Cal. or doesn't want yours, can I get them? I am also scapred against a curb shortly after getting my Prius (still getting used to parallel parking this car, it is a lot different than my Malibu was).
I have one available... I put the other 3 on ebay and sold them, so before I put my last one up, let me know if you are interested. I'm in SoCal. I took mine off and chromed the rims (see pic) only about $500 for the chrome. The st(d)ealer wanted $1500.
The Chrome looks nice! The Dealer is an idiot.... Humm.. I used to work in a metal Fab shop.. we chromed, anodized etc... I can't imagine they charge the much for chromeing.. but maybe they do now... I wouldn't mind having those..... but wow!
Mine are free..and they are brand new. But I don't want to deal with shipping, if someone wants to send me a fedex package to my address so all I have to so is put it in and seal it up... I'm good... PM me.
I think I can arrange for that, email me at [email protected] although what area are you in? I live in So. Cal.
I checked with my dealer re: trim ring prices, just for the heck of it. I had this interesting response: The guy quoted me a price of $44.95 per ring, but said he had ONE in stock that wasn't on his inventory, and would sell it to me for $15 if I went right down there. Anyone else check with their dealers on the prices for these things? Windstrings, the problem with shipping these things (I've researched it) is that NO American manufacturer/vendor makes a bubble wrap envelope (or any other insulated kind) over the size of 14.25" x 20". (Checked FedEx, UPS, USPS and over 50 manufacturers.) Cardboard can be cut and re-folded to fit, but will increase the shipping cost due to the weight. I'm looking at 24" sheet bubble wrap (cut to fit), itself wrapped in grocery bag brown paper. Lots of stapling/taping, though.
They exist so you can put racing hub caps on them so they are easy to remove. I bought an extra set so I could still have the original rings to put on when I trade in or sell my car in the far future. All the mods or I shoud say most of my mods will be reversable. [attachmentid=2647]
I will send you a fed x box tomorrow for two as I started the post I would like to have a chance thanks windstring