We are about to purchase a "Toyota Certified" 2011 Prius Five with 43K miles on it which we've had checked out by an independent mechanic as well. Because it is a Certified vehicle, it comes with their 12ms/12,000 mi Comprehensive + 7yr/100,000 mi Limited Powertrain Warranty. Of course, the dealer is also trying to sell us on their extended warranty packages which include rustproofing etc. We have cold rough winters, lots of salt on the roads here. We generally keep our cars forever until they die on us. I've heard such conflicting opinions on this issue as Toyotas, especially the Prius are supposedly very reliable. If this were you, what would you do? Thanks!
Rust doesn't seem to be a significant issue. I haven't seen it mentioned on this forum. Of course there aren't any really *old* Prius cars as yet and the rust belt and Northeast are not well represented here. I wouldn't bother with a rustproofing package, personally. When was the last time you saw a Ziebart or Rusty Jones franchise?
these cars are as reliable as a light switch in your house. it is incredible. two winters ago (again in minnesota) my car was left outside each cold, snowy night. turned over no problem each morning when i needed it. great car.
I agree with stephensprius. It's all nothing but a sales pitch to get your money. I would not buy any of it. I live in Chicago. No problems with a Prius here and we have bad winters here.
No vote on the rust protection and extra extended warranty, you're buying a good car, its not needed. More importantly. Post a picture. I am looking for the same car, any thoughts on what a person should pay for it?
I bought a 2006 prius last year that spent it's life in upstate NY. Originally from there myself I figured it would be in rough shape underneath, but it wasn't. The only real rust was on the drivers side front bolt where the seat mounts to the body floor, inside the car (probably salt carried in on boots etc).. I've done quite a bit of work on it and haven't had any issues from corrosion.
We also looked at a "non-certified" 2010 Prius Five with almost 50K miles for $17,000, but it did not accelerate as well as the one we are getting.
Odd comparison. I've replaced 13 light switches in a 7 year old house. Yes, Prius are reliable. They are rustproofed at the factory. All adding that stuff does is clogs drain holes and fattens the sales person's wallet. Consumer Reports that extended warranties pay out 30% or so of what they take in in repairs. They also fatten wallets, just not yours. If you like those odds...
I was told not to do rustproofing because it traps moisture in the little spaces and therefore can accelerate rusting in certain spots. And my hybrid stayed outside all the way to -20 degrees. To keep the car from rusting, I was told to do an undercarriage wash (go to a touchless car wash station) on a nice day when it's in the 40s/50s periodically to get the mud/salt off.
When they start pushing the extras, maybe start asking off-the-wall questions, or maybe just stare at them silently and unresponsive.... For protracted periods. Then ask more off-the-wall questions.
I also would not buy an extended warranty - they VERY seldom are worth the money invested. A year ago I purchased my used 2010 Prius from my mechanic, who has a friend who goes to wholesale auctions. The mechanic went through the car thoroughly and said it was A-ok. I trust this man implicitly...having his word that the car is in top shape is better to me than buying an extended warranty. I have not had one wit of problem with my Prius. I personally have a hard time buying a used car from a dealer unless he will let me take or take the car for me to my favorite mechanic for a pre-purchase physical. Otherwise I'll buy a used car from a private party, after lots of research on my part, numerous reports pulled and an inspection by my mechanic.
I don't buy the paint protectant, fabric protectant, rustproofing, extended warranty or any of that stuff. I just put 2 coats of NU FINISH car polish on my new Avalon. That's good enough for me.