Ok, I know I'm not the only one who's done this - accidentally leaving the car in B-drive and then proceeding to drive at highway speeds. Anyway, I drove ~15-20 miles at highway speed before realizing it, the whole time wondering why I had to work extra hard to maintain speed. Is this a problem? How much damage have I done to the car? it's a 2005, ~6000 miles. It'd be great if there was an extra indicator that the car is in B - like if maybe the icon blinking or something. For those of us who are more absent-minded. (Speaking of absent-minded, I've disabled the reverse-beep but would gladly re-activate it if there's a way of making it more pleasant.)
Oh man you didnt? Here in Fla the dealer told me not to use B unless driving down grades. No really Im not sure what it will do to your car .. I just remember what the dealer told me so we dont use it..
Aside from some probably particuarly bad mileage for the time you were driving in "B," you didn't hurt the car. Another one of the great advantages of the CVT.
No damage. Did you notice how the engine got loud whenever you lifted the accel pedal? That's how I know when I'm in B by mistake.
all it's going to do at those speeds is act like a traditional transmission ex: give you extra drag. you're basically just telling the engine to stay on/turning at all times. there are no gear switches or anything of that sort. You did waste gas though. for that.. you go to hell.. sorry. nothing we can do now... but i here if you drive 30 miles backwards (mainly electric) the gas gods will save you.. it's not proven yet though
if you were driving at say 55 -60 mph nothing at all happened. If you don't believe me just have the car on cruise at 60MPH and put it in "B" wow no difference. Those with tach's in their cars, CAN-view's or MiniScanners know that the rpm doesn't change. Only time it makes a difference is below 42 mph and then the ICE runs instead of shutting down. Same gas mileage, no damage. If it was going to be a serious problem Toyota would have addressed it before letting the public have the car.
Thanks! I feel much better now. I have been much more wary of using the b-drive ever since. I'll consider driving backwards 30 miles, to try to redeem myself.