First night plugging the car in with this new little car of mine. First order of business - remove the pinstripe and chrome wheel trim. The wheel trim bothered me the most because it was not done nicely and it was chrome. Turns out to be super easy, just double-sided tape and 5 minutes later all four were removed (the soapy water on the side is not related to this project)... The pinstripe removal took a little more time because it keep breaking, but still just as easy, didn't have to use any blades, just a little finger nail action to get it started and pull off easily. Just like the nice, clean look. I've ordered the lower rocker moldings (seen some with it and it's makes it complete to me). Fell in love with this car instantly. What do you guys think?
What you had removed is an after market bling for that used car. Clean lines is better for my point of view
Nice job. Somebody must have added the pinstriping because that normally doesn't get added to a PiP. You'll like the lower door moulding because they match the door handles pretty good and it makes the car look a little lower. I wouldn't leave the dealer without it and he put them on for free. iPad ? HD
Thanks guys. I have a feeling these are aftermarket, or the original dealer put them on for whatever reason. I bought this car used and it is an off-lease vehicle. @drash - I can't wait for the moulding to arrive, it's going to make it look so much nicer. @sfv41901 - I saw your signature with the JFM Power Folding Mirrors post. Really neat. If I ever decide to do it I'll PM you for some info / help, as it looks rather intimidating
Might also consider the side moldings for practical reasons. Mine have absorbed several door dings that would have made dents.
I'm debating on that right now. My previous Subaru was riddled with door dings and I hate to see that happen to the PiP... Humm, you might have just convinced me...
Side moldings will probably help prevent some door dings but I have found the best preventative measure is to park a long way off from where you are going to shop and do a little walking. It will also help to keep people from pushing shopping carts in to your vehicle which some of them do on purpose.
LOL @ny_rob, I've just mailed it out hahaha. They have the door edge guard installed too and didn't do a good job, I can actually see some tape sticking out. Unprofessional install... But I think I'll keep that one for now because at least they are body colored. @Okinawa that's exactly what happened to my Subaru, I actually saw a lady ding my door and got into an argument with her about it. The bad part is that her Jetta's rear door has this pointy end that strikes my door, and it would've missed the side moulding anyway. I was so angry for several days...
LA, yeah they still do. I remember last year when I took one of my cars to the dealership for some service. A lady walked in and said " I'm here for my scheduled pin striping."
I live in a suburb of Chicago. I just traded my 2011 Prius Two that I had in on a new Avalon. The Prius did not have one door ding on it. I had the Prius for 3 years. Can you imagine what I had to go through to keep from getting door dings? Let me tell you, it sure was not easy.
The Prius doesn't look bad w/door moldings, but their effectiveness is questionable with the curvature of the door and the (low) height of the Prius. I had the moldings on both my Prius and the PIP- thankfully I never got a ding on either- but I attribute that more to parking in the next zipcode rather than the moldings actually doing something...
Don't get me started with door ding... I have nightmare just thinking it... Yes, I am the kind that park in the next galaxy, but guess what? Someone will park next to me intentionally just to Pxxx me off... I still get fxxxing dings but not from the one that park really close to me or I will go postal on his piece of xxxx... Damn, I didn't know I speak french so good.. LOL
I usually have 3 rules about parking to avoid dings: 1. Don't park next to fake coupes. Their rather large doors are an invitation to a ding. 2. Don't park downhill from where you go shopping. Shopping carts seem to follow gravity. 3. I park to get out not to get in a store or work. This is usually pretty far away darn close to an exit. As aside if I have to park next to someone I don't mind parking next to very upscale autos (4 doors) and any Prius. iPad ? HD
Door dings are annoying, but sadly pretty unavoidable in most cases. When I'm away from home, I park where I can plug in, and that means parking right next to other cars. Benefit outweighs the risk, IMHO.
Oh man, all these replies make me really want to get it just as an added protection. I'm sure it won't 100% protect it, and yes, I'd rather park further away to avoid people, good tips @drash... Oh decisions decisions...