This is my attempt to dip my front bumper on my prius c.. First off the color was not what I expected, I wanted the dark gun metal color. I was experimenting with a different brand other than plasti dip.. Second there was a heavy breeze and it didn't help my application, I dripped on one of the indent corners... And third, I guess I didn't remove the tape quick enough to create a clean line so I got some pull ups on it... All a learning experience... I just hate the idea of retaping everything when I am ready to try again...
i had similar problems with my project too, but i didnt face that drip problem, you might have been too close or left it at that stage for a loner time. i faced the tape problem, but as soon as i started pulling the tape, i grabbed a knife with a new blade so i wouldnt face ripping problems. what i learned is that, use tape, but take it off after every layer. the first layer of plastidip should be a very light misting. wait around 5-7 mins depending on the humidity level and then spray again, this time slightly heavier. and now remove the tape and reapply the tape. *tip, when first setting up the tape, apply "layers" of tape so that way when you remove on layer, the second layer is still in the same position after removing the tape, let it dry for another 5-7 mins and then spray again. do those steps one more time, for a total of 4 layers. i read that 4 layers were ideal for longevity. i used glossifer on my project. i let the plastidip layers dry for about 15-20 mins on the last coat. use tape again for the glossifer. spray the glossifer as evenly as possible. i used the same tips for spraying the dip for glossifer. first layer is very light and easy. second layer is more filling and even. third layer should cover all of the plastidip. the more layers of glossifer your do, the brighter it becomes. i did around 5 layers but i think i could have done like 2 more to get that real paint looking shine. also the best tip i can give is that make sure you do this project when your car isnt going to move for about 24hours and if parked outside, make sure the weather is clear. the dip dries easy but the glossifer takes a little longer.
^^^Holy crap, this! I hadn't thought of this. I had to re-tape the line every time and let me tell you that's not fun.
another tip which really helps in that process is to put a piece of newspaper between each layer of tape. because without the newspaper, the blue tape will just pull the layer behind it. so when applying the layers of tape, add newspaper between the layers. it should help. mind is simple yet I've never thought of it makes it seem so much easier, I guess I'll plasti-dip my front too when I have time.
tape once and spray the dip on in thin coats, getting a little thicker each time. after 6 or so coats do a thicker coat, and make sure you get along the tape edges. the plastidip causes a reaction where the dry dip underneath will reliquify when you spray another coat on top of it. so spray 6 or so coats, then when you do the final, little thicker coat, take the tape off within a minute or so and all will be fine. if you fel you have waited to long, spray on another coat, then remove tape