Did my taxes this year using Turbo Tax as allways. Yesterday I got a letter from the IRS stating that they adjusted my return and lowered my refund. :angry: Well I dig out my tax forms looking for an error and could not find anything wrong but the IRS had my adjusted gross income $2000 higher than I had. So, I call the 800 number they provided and after about a five min. wait, I got to talk to an agent. We went over my paperwork together and lo and behold, they didn't have my $2000 Prius deduction in their records, with a little bit of digging, she admited that their software didn't look at the box where Turbo Tax placed my deduction. After another few min. on hold she (IRS agent) came back and admitted I was correct and the return was adjuxted back to my original figures. I don't know though if there is a bug in Turbo Tax that puts the deduction in the wrong place or if there's a bug in the IRS software. Has anyone else that bought 05's run into this? On a side note, the IRS agent I talked to was VERY nice on the phone and was eager to work with me on this so kudos to the much maligned IRS on this issue.
In my experience and opinion, the IRS is the only honest agency of the government. Everybody loves to hate them because they take our money. But when I've had occasion to phone their 800 number, I've gotten courteous and helpful answers to my questions. And of course the IRS does not make the convoluted and illogical tax laws. That would be the clowns in Congress and the (pardon the expression) President. Congratulations on getting the mistake fixed. Admitting when they are wrong is what sets the IRS apart from the rest of the government.
Good perspective, I had an issue a few years back where my return got damaged (prior to e-file) because of this I got flagged for an audit, they had me send my paperwork and ended up refiling my return for me and even got me more back than I had initialy filed for.
Daniel you are being a gentleman. Too kind and courteous, those #$#$$@#$%^&%&^% Bas#@# in DC do not deserve that. I would rather see them "caining" each other on the floor of the Senate that what goes on in Congress now. Compromise is no longer a part of the political process. Where are we to find legislators?
I have advocated a solution for many years. I was surprised, a while back to find out that the ancient Greeks used the same system!!! Fill government positions by draft lottery: every elligible citizen's name goes into the hat, and if your name is drawn you must serve, like it or not. Elections are so dependent on big bucks that only the super-rich or their minions can possibly get into elected office. So, eliminate elections and draw names from a hat instead. The result is that, by the process of probability, our legislatures will be filled by a representative cross-section across all groups: sex, race, income, religion, political outlook: all categories will be represented in proportion to their presence in society. True, they will, by and large, have no governmental experience. But they cannot possibly do any worse than what we have now. Just my humble proposal, tried, tested, and proven to work by the inventors of democracy.
FWIW I am, too, finding IRS to be reasonable helpful & courteous THESE DAYS, not always so, but improvement should be acknowleged. Daniel, what you advocate as far as serving in gov't positions is what I have always advocated in leadership positons...no elections, just random names. I truly believe most random people would like to do their best, and leave their 'mark' as doing good in the service of their country. It's the career politicans who become so mesmerized with power, riches and personal gains who f*** things up so bad.
I had the same sort of problem last year with Turbo Tax however it placed two deductions on my return ,one for the hybrid and one for an electric vehicle deduction. It took me a while to find the mistake and the IRS really didn't say what the problem was. I finally figured out what happened and replied back with the answer for the problem. I waited till July last year to get my refund but they were prompt with it as soon as it all got figured out.