Hi all. Has anyone ever had, or have you ever heard of someone else having to replace the engine rear main seal and the transaxle input shaft seal because they were leaking? If yes, at what mileage? Thanks in advance!
That is a pretty common issue on non hybrids. I am not surprised to hear that one is leaking but I only wonder why rear main seal leaks are so rare on prius.
No I don't ever remember in 8 years someone posting that. Especially anyone posting about servicing the trans. Lots of rr of used cvt's but never any parts replaced. You can be the first.
Be the first? No, thanks. I don't currently have a leak. I was thinking that perhaps I would replace them at some point as preventive maintenance but apparently, it's not needed.
If you already have removed the engine and transaxle for some other reason then it might make sense to replace the seals before reinstallation. Certainly there is no point in investing that labor effort for the sole purpose of replacing seals that have not failed.