Greetings! After months of fruitless search for a pair of commercially professionally made 2010+ gen 3 rear wheel skirts, somebody please tell me where can I source them from. Hybrid effects only stock the gen 2 versions... Cheers! Kousuke
There are several threads here if you search the forums, particularly the gen II forums. May get some ideas regarding a source from those threads. Can I ask why you're considering adding skirts? If I recall correctly, I have not seen anyone get any MPG benefit from the skirts alone. Maybe if you prefer the look of skirts....
Prius Tucson | Gas mileage tips from the auto repairmaster | Falconworks Intelligent Auto Repair This guy makes them but says they add less than 1mpg on the highway and they are about 500.00USD. if you enlarge the pic on the site you can see he has them on his.