IPhones usually have to be connected via USB unless you have a phone with a hotspot then they may work. Androids are no problem with Bluetooth. Apparently an Apple issue or restriction.
As noted above, unless you have a mobile hotspot set up on the phone the Entune car apps will only work with the phone connected to the USB port.
Just to clarify, my iPhone 5 works wirelessly with my 2012 AT (JBL nav) PIP, so I assume this is only an issue with the lower level systems.
It has to do with what iOS supports and how. For whatever reason, Apple does not support data connection over bluetooth (except bluetooth LE, and only some things, except Apple hardware and any other way Apple can make additional money off you). This effects connecting via Entune and also why Carista only works on Android: the BT OBD readers can't connect to an iPhone via BT. With your system the phone can connect as a phone and an BT audio device, both of which are OK on iOS.
FWIW the iphone hotspot feature is free on most carriers these days. I followed the instructions in the second half of the blog post linked below to get my wife's iphone 5s talking to her 2013 V over bluetooth. All the apps and traffic work fine, and it reconnects automatically when you get in the car as long as you leave the hotspot enabled. Scott Hanselman - HOW TO FIX: Toyota Entune 2.0.1 Update breaks Internet Tethering over Bluetooth Rob
For those who don't mind or are not afraid to jailbreak their iPhones - just get an app called TetherMe and tether your internet connection to the car forever without limitations. As of now July 20th, 2014 you can jailbreak ANY iPhone on ANY iOS firmware. You don't need sh*tass Entune or whatever else they wanna force you to use. Androidiot is another game. I've had a Galaxy S5 Active for about a week and can't figure out how to the same thing. But I will, sooner or later. I'm ready to help anyone who has questions about this.
its not with Apple but our carriers. Go Europe or Aisa and Carriers do not block or lock PAN connection. U can Tether without jail breaking. One need to really understand the root of the issue b4 saying its Apple or OEM issue.
Did you get it fixed? You need the bluetooth, the Entunes app and the USB hook up to get full use with the iPhones. As long as you wait a second for the radio to come up and then plug in the USB (make sure the app is still running) you'll get the "charge" for use of your data, then you are ready to go.