Hello, About to replace seat beat (dog chewed original) and had two concerns: 1) Do I have to disconnect 12v battery (to avoid triggering airbags). 2) Care in replacement installation due to "explosive" component? Any advise, how to, greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Yes, you need to disconnect the 12V battery and wait at least 90 seconds to let the SRS system discharge. The front seat belt assembly has a pretensioner which requires care to handle. I strongly suggest that you download repair manual info at techinfo.toyota.com so that you will have access to the safety precautions and tightening torque requirements.
Thanks Patrick. This techinfo.toyota site is a paid site. Any way to get this safety precautions and tightening torque requirement elsewhere for free? I don't want to be a penny wise and pound foolish, creating more expense and even injuring myself with this DYI. Uncertain if I should move forward or go to mechanic.
Yes, I'm suggesting you invest $15 so that you can see what is involved and decide whether you can DIY.
The good news is that if you choose to DIY, you also will have the pleasant task of triggering the pretensioner from the old belt assembly prior to discarding it, which will be lots of fun if you like to blow things up.