I was wondering the same thing. THAT WOULD BE SOO COOL as I could burn an awful lot of music onto 6 DVDs and then just leave them in the car. I suspect the answer is no but would like to find out
Hopefully I'm wrong but I'm sure it doesn't. The only aftermarket players that will do that are made by JVC and only two or three of them. I just installed one in my 2004 about a month ago. They coined the phrase "Giga Mp3" which means "plays Mp3's burned onto DVD-R's". The unit I got was a JVC KD-DV5100. It also plays DVD movies which I can watch on the MFD. (Not while driving of course.) It's a relatively "new" technology that should become mainstream one of these days. Again, I hope I'm wrong...
No - the JBL CD player will only play CDs. However, it will play mp3 CDs - I burned a collection of about 150 mp3 files onto a CD and it works just fine.
Yeah, how much does it cost? I got referred to that model when I asked a salesguy at Best Buy. I've got a feeling it's gonna be quite expensive.
hmm, might be the wrong model number then. I thought it was a video controller that lets me use the Prius screen.