^ If GreenHybrid had negative points, it probably would have negated his scheme at GreenHybrid...sadly it did not compounded by an admin that after he was banned for that, then let him return another time or two. I'm sure some already have suggest a 'dislike' button at PC. Would TH enjoy the 'dislikes?' Maybe. The unintended consequences is how it would affect non-trolling but controversial members.
Because you could gain negative reputation, there was a scale on how bad you really were. We did have 1 person that prided himself on getting the lowest reputation, but it was super hard to maintain because he was actually a helpful person, he just wanted the honour of being the baddest guy on the interwebs! So we all voted him down, but then actual members would vote him up. And the more rep you had, the more your vote counted. It really was a good system. TH might enjoy being shown as the bad guy, but then as long as it is obvious enough ("this member's posts have been deemed non-useful by a majority of members." message above each post perhaps?!) it will keep the newbies from listening to him. Then the actual helpful people can ignore him without him spreading FUD to everyone.
^ in other words, people like Troy Heagy and Michael Brutsch are twisted and I'm not sure what works other than ignore these losers.
Summary: TH has been at this for years and it's been documented below and on Google...do you want to be the next to waste time with him? "He might be able to forge an ID but he can't disguise his writing style." Spot on. "Suisel" is one of his socket puppets here and highly suspect another one.
I want to thank Bob and others for not feeding TH While I respect everyone's right to an opinion at PC, I will take TheElectricMe's less seriously....after putting out all the troller alerts, he just feeds that damn pulled over for going 40 thread. Doesn't he think more of PC than pee on it with TH? Some here just couldn't care less
TH is on my ignore list and you've confirmed he should remain. It is my practice to wait 30 days or so and silently take folks off my ignore list. If they are still 'lost to reality,' they go back on and I don't bother to check again. Bob Wilson
Someone pointed out TH's max/min speed limit sign could not have been in California where he said he was - proving his entire story was a fraud (quote below.) This is definitely not the first time TH has taken pictures from anywhere to publish fiction, notably, dash pictures from other hypermilers, then claiming it's him. So why are people still feeding his thread?! Let him wither on the vine, please.
One fallacy you forgot is "name-calling" which is not allowed in a formal debate. Per the rules, you are not allowed to call someone an __hole, or a b___, or a b_______, or a n____, or a s___ or a k____ or any other racist or insulting name. Neither should you use the word "t__ll". The reason name-calling is forbidden is because it should be left behind once you leave childhood. Adults should be able to express their thoughts with "throwing" words at the other person. IMHO I was banned, but that was not the reason. I only had one account. I was banned because I was a teenage brat. Raise your hand if, when you were a teenager, you did not do bratty stuff. (Of course you did; no teenager was ever an angel.) False. I've never even heard of "suisel"....... I only have one account on priuschat and any of the moderators could confirm that (check the IP address). I used my real name on this forum, on purpose, with the intention of cleaning-up my reputation (i.e. starting over). And it isn't just me. I've seen hatred directly at other persons too. You falsely accuse them of being "troy sockpuppet" or just plain "clueless idiots". It's quite sad.
Wow. A textbook example of a troll being vulnerable posting all over the place, desperately trying to get us to cry a river for him, begging for forgiveness - but that demands he has turned from his ways...has he? Keep on starving the troll.
I notice you still using child-level name calling ("troll, idiot, a-----e, ....."). Perhaps try acting as an adult, and you will be more credible. At the moment (with your HATE directed at another person) you remind me of a schoolage bully........... I have matured out of my youthful years & tried to be a better person. You have not.
He's hoping this post (in the quote) will get buried - sorry. Many people in addition to the moderator quoted accept this as fact on TH. At a face-to-face meetup of PC members, people would recognize me - I would recognize many members here...know about them, their cars and driving. Would anybody know anything like that about TH, or even recognize him? Being active yet a stranger is not a good sign. TH is begging for us to be nice to him, but that's the one thing he has not and WILL NOT do - truly be nice. Anyone think he is going to rehab himself by starting all over, be transparent enough he can't twist his bio to facilitate flamewars, be personally known to PC members, be known on Google for cars and driving instead of disrupting forums?
I think it's hilarious you (chuck) spend so much time of your life researching and cataloging his behavior, and then preach for others to just ignore him, then you continue to reply and reply and reply.. Not to mention you publicly accuse others (me) of being him and offer not so much as a hint of an apology. I was in a legitimate debate about a specific topic that YOU didn't care about. Funny that there were several people debating BOTH sides of that debate but I was the Th Puppet according to detective chuck and his "internet tools..." No one else.. You say active people you don't know are a bad sign... Who the F made you so important that strangers must be mistrusted? You were a rookie at one point too, in case you forgot. Yes trolls are a problem and a detriment to a healthy community, but so are people like you who go around and make baseless accusations towards newish members (I'm OH SO SORRY I didn't own a prius in 2006) who come here to help and occasionally participate in a lively debate that PRECIOUS YOU don't care about.
If Chuck's messages are disturbing to you, why don't you put him on ignore rather than spending time and energy responding to him? I'm sure you have more fulfilling things to do with your time than interact with someone who bothers you, so why not do something different and more enjoyable?
He made a public accusation that I am not only a troll but also accused me of being th. I ignore people I disagree with constantly, I ignore threads I'm not interested in constantly.
Humor takes all forms, chuck, the village troll has been caught "out, up" labeling troy as a troll, which may well be... but when you live in a glass house Anyway, chuck, how many of your threads have been deleted because of a harsh environment, I agree, most.
TH seems to be accusing Chuck of using the a*h*l* word, but a Search for all occurrences of that word on PC in the past year can't find it. In fact, TH has used that word four time since anyone else used it at all three months ago. I don't see anyone else using that word more than once in the past year. So much for having 'matured'.
^ I hope at this point TH's denials are actually screaming the exact opposite. This must be hitting a nerve with him as he's itching for a fight with me...a 2nd login I have not responded to in two weeks has made frequent attacks on me - is that the "Bad Troy alternate personality?" Probably, as he just gets nastier. Kudos to the member asking TH do a Google Street map of the speed limit signs on his pulled over for doing 40 thread. If TH is an honest person, it will be effortless for him to do this...expect him to give lame excuses and expend more energy attacking.
If you're referring to me (seeing as how you've ignored me since your accusation) then the next time I'm up in Dallas I'll ask you here publicly if you want to meet up and I'll buy you lunch and we will talk like adults and you can decide if you want to apologize. You like calling out others for their obvious trolling but don't seem to care when others get in your way for no fault. Adults talk, children ignore.
Actually I said "troll" is equivalent to the word "a" or "idiot" or "dumb" or any other insult. There's no difference because they are all name-calling. They should not be used by adults towards other adults. Well said. He falsely-accused You and some other person (Seisel?) of being sockpuppets rather than real persons. He's the one engaging in high school-style behavior and name-calling/insults.
^ It's comical when TH and his friend (who ever he is) is behaving like the very thing he resents being called. The obsession with me is absurd - at least TEN other PC members have said the same thing in posts or Likes about your disrupting behavior. You can't push this down, TH