Yikes! I just wanted to remove the pollen, not the 'chrome'! It only happened on the driver side but looks awful. Can anyone tell me how to 'fix' or replace this trim? The bottom of the side mirror looks bad too.
I assume the trim is aftermarket. Looks like it has weathered and the chrome has separated from the base. Best to remove and replace with something else or remove all together.
Huh! Never occurred to me that it might be 'aftermarket'. True that most similar cars do NOT have the door trim. I'd be interested in knowing where to buy a replacement. I found one in polished stainless steel. I wonder how that would work in salt air here by the bay...
On a warm day (like....today) take some dental floss and finish removing the trim. If you're careful a hair-dryer can be used to soften up the 3M tape that is holding it on. Remove the residue carefully with WD40, or car wax.....maybe Goo Gone if you're sure that the paint won't be damaged by it (check on an inconspicuous spot first) Repeat on the other side of the car if you want or just sit in a restaurant and watch people look first on one side of your car and then the other side. Your choice. Personally? I thknk it looks better without the trip, Good Luck!