Any sufficiently advanced technique or skill is indistinguishable from magic. Fuzzy.... watch me get more MPGs out of this hybrid .....
I drove down to a friend of mine's house last night. The car had 10.8 EV miles saved, so I used EV to get to the highway, then switched to HV for the rest of the way with 8.5 EV in reserve. The end of trip screen said I drove 65 miles at 63 mpg. On the way back to the highway I used EV and had 5.5 left when I hit the highway and switched to HV. About 10 miles from home, I turned EV on and used a blend for the balance. At home, the end of trip screen said I got 67 mpg.
Can you explain how you know you have 10.8 EV miles saved and I'm guessing HV is the ICE vs. Electric? jim
The display shows me how much EV use I have available. EV is, for the most part, electric only, although the ICE can come on when necessary. HV is hybrid and electric together, but any EV left can be held in reserve.
I never realized how fast people Drive till i started doing the speed limit and gliding to stop lights
I'm glad sometimes... I drove ~ 50 miles to my first work stop one morning and saw 5 cops on the route, one truck was pulled over after he passed RIGHT in front of me. I normally drive 150-200 miles... so not only does the Prius save $$$ by MPG, but my less tickets as well!
In DC area , we still have people to race ahead of everyone else on the road to a red traffic light just so they can be one or two cars lengths ahead of everyone else - often its a gas guzzler too like one of the extra big SUVs or one of the larger faster sport sedan types... too. Doing stuff like that significantly increases a vehicle's fuel cost regardless. We have automatic photo speed and traffic light cameras everywhere on the local roads - go over 11 mph over the posted speed limit or run a red light - and you've got a traffic citation in the mail ... The police still give out speeding tickets but its mainly on the super highway... Speeding and Parking tickets are a big revenue source for the local governments here.... I like to think of those speeders as the kind folks who are are providing that extra funding to support our local government's budget.
Giving a ticket is a traffic hazard because all of the rubber-neckers slowing down to see what is going on. I've long felt that is someone really wanted to shutdown DC traffic, they would have a group of people dressed as circus clowns get in the medians between the belt line lanes and start doing tricks. Unlike the threatened 'trucker strike,' it would actually work and only need about 10-12 clowns at strategic areas. Bob Wilson
I regularly get into the high 70s going home. I go over a mountain to and from home. Home is more downhill, so I can coast/glide a great portion of the distance. Going to town, I have to use gas most all the time. Still, going to town....around 55 mpg. Going home 65-75 depending on if I want to go faster or let gravity do most of the work.