I tried searching so I am sorry if this has been posted. I set my charging time with the buttons in the car (dash) to charge from midnight to 3am. I plug in the car and the car will not charge until midnight. Perfect. I drive it. Then the next night I go to plug in the car and it starts charging right away. Do I really need to touch the timer button on the dash every day or is there a way to just lock it in?
First, you have two timers one is start time and the other is stop time. Just use one of them! Yes, you have to push to set timer every time, unless you want to charge right away, then just plug in and it will charge right a way! However the timer remembers the last setting you have used. Just set it and for get it.
OK thanks. At the dealer they set up both start and finish. I will just set the start. Then if I understand you each time I get out of the car at the end of the day, I will need to hit the timer button?
Just tapping (not holding) the timer button will set the timer to the last setting. You can do it any time on your last drive of the day; you don't have to wait until the end of your last trip. Actually, I think you can press the timer button any time after its set time, not necessarily your last trip. The green timer light will come on when set. It is on solid while driving, and flashes when the car is off.