I might be losing my Prius, to my son that is. He's going off to live with my brother inlaw so he can finish his engineering degree, and he only has 6 miles to travel to that school every day, doesn't pay for me to own another car for just for that. I want him to bust his butt, and get finished, so he doesn't wear out his welcome there. My wife , and I can share her Prius, and I have my motorcycle too, but it bums me out about losing my car, I'm just getting used to it. I know I'll get it back someday, but in what condition two more years from now? My wife wants to get him a used $4000 car, but I don't even want another junker to work on right now, so I volunteered my car I guess. He's already saving me 12k yr. not living in a dorm, so I might give him my car, and just get a new Prius C for myself, I don't know. He's a good kid, straight A's, so I figure that's the least I can do, but I'm still worried about my car.
and don't forget your bro-in-law, sounds like a case of his fave every now and then! i must say, we sold two of our children our camry and pri for very low prices and didn't make them pay us until they were out of grad school and working. 6 years later, they are both still driving them! all the best, feel for you losing your pri.
The Prius won't benefit your son much going 6 miles a day. You should get him a regular car, that's a 4 cylinder to get him by. A college student won't want to deal with hybrid problems when they occur, it could be very expensive.
I agree that the Prius won't deliver very good fuel economy on that commute. A bicycle is the perfect vehicle for a 6-mile commute! Biking is a great way to wake up the brain for those engineering classes. And a bicycle is so much easier to manage on campus...save lots of money, "park" it anywhere, very little maintenance...
But surely he is gonna want to go other places. Go out on the weekends, go on a date. Ever tried to take a girl out on a bicycle? Not sure that would work out very well, lol
Bike dates are the best! I just remember how much easier it was not having a car on campus. I tried it for a little while but gave up fast...the expensive parking passes for the lots far away from classes, stressing to get to class on time, worrying about the car being parked there so long, etc. I much preferred the bus pass and a bike. Hitch a bus right into the center of campus and then bike around from there--so much better!
At UF I had 150 CC honda scooter and roller blades... most classes I could walk or blade to since I lived on campus. but had a few that were far enough away to warrant a scooter....
Wait a sec. A date? Really? With a prius, I don't know if that's gonna really happen. I mean come on, really, the car with the least panty dropping ability, and we go so far as a date? Oh lawd I'm dying from laughter. I mean we all know the ladies will absolutely be all over the d from a well executed hand brake turn. No hand brake, no hand brake turn. No hand brake turn, no poon.
You sound really torn and mixed up about this. If you REALLY want to keep your Prius, then keep it. $4000 should find you a safe, reliable enough vehicle for a 6 mile a day college level commuting situation. If you want to give your son your Prius and get yourself a new Prius c? Then do that. If it results in being an excuse for getting yourself a new vehicle....then enjoy the new vehicle, and don't worry what shape the old Prius will be in in two years.