Got a question for those of you who have installed HID systems in you Prius C. I installed a 55W DDM 5000k HID set in my prius C. Would like to have a relay harness for safety, but cannot find where to connect the 12V positive connection. I have done a search of the forums and saw that there should be a connection in the drivers side fuse box but I dont know where to connect. there are 2 wires coming up in the center with 2 different bolts. Which one do I connect to and how to I access the bolts?
If you have a circuit-tester, find a wire that tests positive. Make sure it can handle the extra load.
Do you know if you have the 2012/Early 2013 Fuse box? Or do you have the Mid/late 2013/2014 fuse box? It makes a difference. There's a thread about it on here somewhere. Let me know which one you have and I'll see if I can find it.
It's the early 2013 as pictured. DKTVAV: Does your headlight on the outside and ballasts get pretty hot to the touch?
Honestly, I don't know. I've never touched them on both 55W for headlights and 35W for fog lights. They're still running strong since day one.
im running same ddm 55w in my C since like the first day i had the car and no problem after a year and half. but both the ballast and headlight do get hot. but what kit doesnt get hot?
Here's the thread that I mentioned before. jump terminals on a 2013 prius c (under the hood) There or Not | PriusChat
I read that thread. The question isn't if it has a jump terminal, it doesnt. The question is how do I attach a relay harness that needs a 12v supply and where to attach it?
That bolt where the jump terminal attaches is direct wire to the battery. The bolt will have a red line running down the center of it.
there are two bolts there as pictured. No red line running down the middle of them. Which one is the right one and how do you unscrew the bolts as they are in a very awkward position so difficult to get tools in there.
It'll be the one that the 2014 terminal is popping out of. Toyotatech mentions it in the thread I linked earlier. He includes pictures.