I am new to this forum and i am from Sri Lanka. Is Aqua and Prius C are same vehicles. Is there any difference in them. I am just wondering. If they are same why Japanese test cycle says 37km/l and US test cycle 21.7km/l (50mpg).
Can we please stop saying 'realistic.' Higher speeds -- sure. Higher absolute dS/dt -- no doubt. Cold and AC inputs -- A fact.
Okay... so which is more realistic? The average Prius C driver is going to get 50 mpgs average? Or the average Prius C driver is going to get 87 mpgs average? Please tell me how you can take a simple plain Jane driver and have them achieve 87 without trying. 50 is simple and most people don't even need to think about it.
I completely agree that the EPA is a closer approximation to plain US Jane. That has nothing to do with the physics of the Universe, and everything to do with how Jane drives. She has a choice.
That's what the EPA is broadcasting. What is achievable by 99% of Americans if they get in the car and just drive. AKA: Realistic.
Different tests. The Japanese test is 'easier', meaning little braking, low speeds, and no mashing down on the fuel pedal. I think of the Japanese test as the best the car can do a non-congested city environment and a very thoughtful driver. From experience I can tell you it is hard but not impossible to reach the Japanese results.
Thanks guys, I got around 25km/l (59mpg?) per tank combined highway and urban driving. Is there difference in safety features, or suspension.
Not 99%; the test is set up to to grab +/- 1.5 SD IIRC. You are using 'realistic' to imply the results of the majority of drivers in the US today. Drivers misinterpret 'realistic' to mean what the car is capable of, *unrelated* to their driving habits. You can see the problem acting out with the fool who is accusing me of lying when I say 70 mpg in my hybrids in temperate, non-congested Albuquerque. Thought experiment: Flip the switch to $10/gallon fuel tomorrow, and give Jane a couple months to learn which of her driving habits is the most wasteful. Do you still think 50 mpg will be a 'realistic?' value to quote her ?
Okay, so while not 99% of Americans would be able to do the EPA 50. The majority would. I'd put money on 75% or more being able to sit down in the car and achieve it for an entire tank. Whereas, I think we've had 3 or 4 people beat the 87 MPG mark set by Japan for a tank. (Don't remember, too lazy to go to the other link, but I know it's less than 10.) I still call BS on the 70 if it's in the V... at least if you are saying it's an average. I'm okay with you saying you've made trips as that's doable. So then the realistic MPG of the EPA would go up as everyone would learn how to drive more efficiently to compensate. It's not just a 1 person reactionary event.
I'm saying 70+ mpg over a tank if I limit myself to (small) city driving in temperate weather. Believe me or not as you see fit; or if you would like to wager $1000 to make the time worth my while, let me know and I'll document to your satisfaction. I'll spend the winnings on PV to offset the pollution from the useless driving. 50 mpg is not 'realistic.' What you are actually saying is "Typical US Jane, who operates a car like an idiot and does not care because fuel is cheap, ends up getting 45 - 50 mpg in a Prius." That sounds about right to me.
re·al·is·tic ˌrēəˈlistik/ adjective 1. having or showing a sensible and practical idea of what can be achieved or expected.
Having to consciously attempt to do otherwise is outside of expectations as most people won't drive like that. Is it possible, yes... but that doesn't mean that it's practical for everyone. The majority are going to be satisfied with the 50 and not attempt more until gas goes up.
I don't need documentation, just something close. The highest I see documented anywhere for a tank is around 60. But then I don't go on the records page on the Prius V forum, so I haven't seen those. Has anybody started up a Distance championship for the V yet? Edit: Actually, I can say with confidence that it isn't documented or someone on the forums would have added themselves to this list by now. Top 20 MPG Record Holders ufourya (Prius c) 501.1 miles @ 99.9mpg / avg. speed 19mph bwilson4web (GenIII) 1000.8 miles @ 91.8 /avg. speed 22mph vincent1449p (Prius c) 871.8 miles @ 90.7mpg / avg. speed 28mph Ferls80 (GenIII) 750 miles @ 81.1mpg / avg. speed 25mph CHACHYONTOP (Prius c) 607.9 miles @ 81.1mpg / avg. speed 26mph Mark57 (GenIII) 805.2 miles @ 79.3mpg / avg. speed 22mph markabele (GenIII) 818.7miles @ 79.1mpg / avg. speed 24mph Kore971 (GenIII on 17s) 830.9miles @ 78.0mpg / avg. speed 28mph kalome (GenIII) 703.6 miles @ 77.3mpg / avg. speed 27mph nfujii (GenIII) 550.9 miles @ 76.0mpg / avg. speed 21mph kdkuhns3 (GenIII) 703.1miles @ 75.1mpg / avg. speed 23mph mozdzen (GenIII) 701.9 miles @ 73.5mpg / avg. speed 30mph walter lee (GenIII) 800.1miles @ 73.4mpg / avg. speed 19mph hcpc(Prius c) 548.9 miles @ 73.3 / avg. speed 31mph Tony Schaefer (GenII) 662 miles @ 72.2mpg F8L (GenIII) 702.5 miles @ 71.7mpg / avg. speed 37mph Codyroo (GenIII) 752.3 miles @ 71.3mpg / avg. speed 35mph MattPersman (GenIII) 531.5 miles @ 70.6mpg / avg. speed 25mph Agent J (GenII) 808.7 miles @ 70.21mpg Optical Illusions (Prius c) 582.1 miles @ 69.4mpg / avg. speed 25mph eliteconcept (GenIII) 541.5 miles @ 68.3mpg / avg. speed 43mph rokibler (GenIII) 626.3 @ 67.5mpg / avg. speed 31mph
As I said, your choice in documentation. And since you are confident enough to call me a liar, you should be overjoyed at the opportunity to make an easy $1000. Right ? Put your money where your mouth is.
I never called you a liar. Just that it hasn't been documented. But thanks for putting words in my mouth twice in one day.
Multiple personality case ? I'll tell you the reason I am calling you on your ill-concieved logorrhea: Unlike 'Mike S,' you do not strike me as a congenital idiot. You should already know that the Prius 'V' has a 70+ MPG(us) rating on the Japanese cycle, and if you looked at that cycle you would realize that it has very little opportunity for P&G. Hmmm Now you have an old-timer who has been driving hybrids for 10 years, owned three different Prius models, and regularly posts in discussions regarding Prius efficiency telling you of his experience in a car he owns when driven in a P&G environment in temperate weather. Yet you know better, and call bullshit. So now you get a choice. You can admit you were a foul-mouthed fool and apologize, or gamble on further embarrassment and loss of money. I admit that I would prefer to rub Mike S.'s nose in his arrogant stupidity, but I know the type. He will weasel away and never learn. So you will have to do.
Thanks guys for the information, What is the best way to drive Prius C (Aqua) in a heavy traffic. Is it effective try to stick within EV mode or use ICE during acceleration, considering the fact that i may have to brake again within a very short distance (so could not do P&G).