Finally, got the call but it was for a Salsa Red which i didn't want because that tan interior is just plain ugly, so I declined . You all must know how hard it is to have to turn down something you've been waiting for, for so long.
In the future, if any of you is considering turning down a Salsa Red Pearl, PLEASE EMAIL ME!!!!! I've been waiting for one since 9/13/03!! Thanks, Matt
Unforunatly, my dealer has over 90 orders pending, so it was gone within 20 minutes of speeking to me, because I had wanted to come in and try out some of the gadgets.
Simple and to the point, got the call on friday and was ready yesterday. Was a totally painless process of picking it up, and now i'm having the time of my life in this car. I'm Still in awe about the car. I just can't say enough about the car, even tho my street name isn't even listed on the map oh well. Just hope they figure this fuel gauge thing out, not that its any sort of big deal. -John.
The good news is that not everyone has issues with the fuel gauge. There are some folks who are able to get great mileage and range and put 10 gallons in when they fill up. Hopefully you're one of them. Eventually there will be updates to the NAV. I think there's a listing somewhere of how you can report an inaccuracy so it'll be corrected in the next version. I hope you're having fun!