Hi Friends, I just found the site today and was reading to GREAT info here trying to find the cause of my decreasing MPG. I thought I would read a little, get some good info and leave the site. To my surprise the info was so good, I said I would like to be a part of this! Thanks for letting me come aboard! Cregg
Welcome to a fellow North Carolinian. As you have discovered this is an awesome sight with unlimited information on your Prius from a lot of different experts. Come back often with questions.
Thank you! I'm sure I will be here often. I have been reading the site for about 3 hours already and if it can hold my attention for this length of time it has to be GREAT stuff!
Sup... ill be heading to corolla nc in 2 weeks... not sure we can fit everything for beach in the prius so may take the trailblazer but i want that to be my first big trip. Samsung Galaxy Note 3
I have lived in NC all of my life and have never heard of Corolla. I had to look it up on a map I grew up going to Nagshead and Kitty Hawk with my grandparents. I just have never been north of Kitty Hawk toward Virginia. I would think that Corolla would be a great beach area without all of the commercialism of the Nagshead/Kitty Hawk area.
Welcome to PRIUSchat!! You will love your new 2007 Prius, on all the money you will save, by passing up all those gas stations.