Knowing a Toyota vehicle will most likely, with proper maintenance, log upwards of over 200.000 miles with no major problems I am curious as to where the Pruis's are as to mileage and maintenance performed. Our family has a 94 Camry with 180,000 and an LS 400 with over 300,000 miles. If you would, list down your mileage, maintenance and any problems or comments you may have using the format below. Thanks Greg. Model Year: Current Mileage: Maintenance Performed: Comments:
Model Year: 2004 AM package Current Mileage: 33,000 Maintenance Performed: 6 oil changes, engine and interior air filter changes. Comments: Best car to own right now, bar none. Brake pads should last much longer than non-hybrid pads with the electric motor doing most of the braking for you. I put in Mobil 1 synthetic oil at 5K miles. Looking to get some sort of winter tires/rims so I can swap them out myself each winter. The OEM Integrity's are ok, but they have maybe 10K miles left on them. Most everything else is in my signature. Hope this helps! Cheers, Curt.
Model Year: 2005 Current Mileage: 13,000 Maintenance Performed: 3 oil changes and tire changes for winter. Changed to synthetic oil early, which is why there are 3 changes. Comments: So far the only car I ever owned that had nothing wrong with it as received from the dealer.
Two responses: 2004 Prius - 13,500 miles - Oil Changes - All SSC's - New NAV DVD No issues at all - just runs... and gets more than twice the mpg's as the Camry. 1996 Camry LE, 4-cyl - 107,000 miles - Oil Changes - Two Batteries - Two sets tires Very dependable, no repairs, just normal periodic maintenance.
Model Year: 2004 Current Mileage: 27,800 Maintenance Performed: 5 oil changes, engine and interior air filter changes. Tires rotated every 5,000 miles. Comments: Never been back to dealer.
20k 4 oil changes and tire rotations. Brakes still have > 90% on them. The 100k is the killer new spark plugs! Ouch :lol:
How do I perform the 5K scheduled maintenance and clear the "maintenance required light" without going to the dealer?
to clear the light hit the start button while holding the trip or kilo button (sorry i forget it blinks three times then clears the light). I had 28k on my 04 with the first oil change at 1600 and every 5k after that using mobile one. I had the air filter done at 10k and 20k, and at 25k I had the rear brakes cleaned and adjusted. At 30k I was planning on having the invertor coolant flushed and another air filter but sold the car (for a small profit ). I had a dealer do all my oil changes and you have to rotate your tires every 5k on a Prius or expect to replace often (they are front heavy). right now i have 1300 on my 05 and gonna switch to mobile one at 2k
No need to change the coolant for first 100K miles, 50K thereafter. 5K intervals for oil. Had the air filters changed at 30K, but probably will do them at 15K hereafter.
Model Year: 2008 Base Current Mileage: 179,601 Maintenance Performed: Believe I have performed 16 oil and filter changes. Used a synthetic for a couple of cycles then switched to a high mileage blend. I have also replaced the ICE water pump, 12V aux battery, and spark plugs. All other maintenance items as per maintenance schedule. I’ve only replaced tires once, and had a new windshield put in. A couple of trips to the dealer for recall items and I had them do two transaxle oil changes. Comments: Purchased car at 66,571 miles. Daily 140 mile commuter. Even with the high mileage the suspension and wheel bearings are all tight. Traction battery appears to be in good spirits. I think I’ll just keep on driving.
I just now noticed that myself. Of course, AFTER posting all my particulars. Ah well, check the dates. Was wondering why the model years were 2002-2004 ... Does the moderator strike out posts, or can a member do it somehow? The Report button maybe?