I am wondering about this for future reference, I have coolant left over from my old car that says it's designed for any car, any color collant, my question is, is this true for the Prius? I just want to make sure before it's an issue.
I would really not want to put it in my Prius. Something in my very shaky memory makes me think the Prius(which has 2 coolant resaviours) takes it's own kind of coolant.
to save a few dollars and us an incompatible antifreeze makes no sense at all. Us the Toyota Super Long Life coolant. Very low silicate low acid formula designed for the plastic rads and electric coolant pumps and electric coolant switching valves any thing less is just not worth the risk.
Does the coolant say it has a 100,000 mile life? The factory fill coolant in the Prius claims to last 100,000 miles. If you mix coolants you are shortening the life of the coolant to the life of the stuff you used to top it off.
Yes, it is 100,000 mile coolant, I just want to make sure prior to using it, if I should ever need to.