22 single male. i bought the car because i have a suv and wanted something better to keep as a daily while the suv was for heavy duties.
70, wife (kids grown), replaced 2010 Corolla but the C is my 2nd Prius, a 2010 III which I stupidly traded off last year.
Im 38 and my wife is 41.. 2 kids. The wife uses a 2008 LB for commuting.. I drive the kids in a 2014 c2 GT-N8013 ?
I'm 45, married with 2 sons. Traded our beloved 06 Tundra for massive fuel savings! I miss the truck, but tundy gas>Prii gas and car payment by $240/month! My commute is 180 km round trip.
57 and just got it yesterday, old vehicle-1995 Jeep Grand Cherokee Orvis. Nice car but couldn't 't justify the gas. 17 miles from work, one way $70.00 a week tank feeding. Prius "C" 53+ MPG. No brainer. Single with girlfriend 13 years.
late 20's here. sold my 2003 altima (25 avg mpg, about $300/month on gasoline) and bought the c. when i count the $150 gasoline savings towards the monthly payment ($386 - $150 = $236), it's a real steal, especially at $18.4k and 0% apr.
42. Three kids and hubby. Waiting to sell a Holden captiva so I can down size to a Prius C (eyeing the aqua colour).
58 Male. Two kids that have left the nest. My wife drives a Gen II. I finally talked my sister into getting a Gen III and she loves it.
So, basically, the Prius C should have the Scion name-plate on it instead, because it's aimed at the younger demographic?
56, married. wife is 27. so i was bored waiting for my 2012 Scion xB free oil change and took the 2014 Prius c for a test drive. hated the regular Prius the moment i sat in it because of the console. wife & I loved the roomy Prius c One with no console inbetween us. traded in the xb for the c on the spot. i usually never drive anywhere so 50mpg was a bonus to me. but i put 10k miles in six months driving the Prius c. great car. maybe get the v next time. all the eco scores and nerd junkz on the computer is lotz of fun too.