Last Fri the check engine light came on so the first thing I did was check the gas cap. It was loose so I retightened it and went on my way expecting the lght to eventually go out. It was still on several hours and a couple of stops later so I called my dealer and explained to my service rep what was going on. He told me to give it a few days and to call him if it didn't go out by today. He said it takes a few days for the computer to reread the system. So we drove it all weekend and it finally went out this morning (Tues). With just under 145000 miles I'm wondering if I should get them to put it on the scanner anyway. It's$130 to do the scan so it's a bit of a ding in the budget. Do the hybrid batts need to be checked,indicator light or not? Here in Ca I think they have a 150000 mi warrenty? Any advice would be appreciated.
The Check Engine Light is only for engine and emissions type problems, including loose gas cap. If there was a problem with the HV system you would get a Red Triangle along with a fault message on the MFD screen. The dealer is correct. I would not worry about it unless the light comes back on.
Thanks for your help. Do you think it's a good investment to check the hybrid batts before the 150000 mark? $130 is allot less than $3500! If anyone has an opinion please weigh in.
Checking the battery can really only tell you if its ok now. You can't really tell how much time it has left unless its already almost dead. Even then, I don't think Toyota will replace it unless it throws a code. Also, $3500 is too much. A refurbished battery shouldn't be more than $2000-2500 installed.
Some auto parts shops will read out the codes from your car's computer for free, under the logic that they then might be able to sell you some parts to fix whatever is wrong. They probably won't be as knowledgeable as the dealer with whatever is read from the computer (they'll tell you what the code is, but probably won't know what the likely issue would be), but it might at least give you an idea of whether it's the gas cap or something else.
I had my check engine light come on - on my 2010 Prius. I called my Dealer twice only to be told it would be ok and that it would cost $125 to hook it up and diagnose the problem!!!! Auto Zone's and Pep Boys check for codes for free! I checked my gas cap, but it was ok and not any where near the last fill-up time; so I checked my engine oil!!!! I have been relying on my dealer and idiot lights - don't! My oil was at least 3 quarts low! And they dealer has had my engine on the 10,000 mile - expensive oil - Mobil One 0 W 20 weight. That is almost $9 per quart. My Prius is not leaking oil and it has been about 6,000 mile since the dealership last changed my oil! After adding oil and then parking back in the office garage, I turned off the car and then turned it back on and the engine check light went out! I've had my husband recheck the oil and fill it up better than I did. It should be to the top mark on the dip stick, I had it in the middle. Either the engine is burning oil or the dealership did not fill the oil correctly! I just hope all that driving didn't damage the engine. So far so good. But we are watching and checking every few days. There is no oil under the car where it is parked. I would appreciate feedback on the engine burning oil or damaged question from anyone with a similar experience. My husband thinks I burnt the valves, but it runs the same as before. It has 96,000 miles plus and he thinks I should trade it in, but still have payments. The long and short of it all is don't ignore a check engine light!
This is good advise for everyone with a high mileage car. My 2004 Prius is currently losing about a quart of oil every 5k miles (its at 254k miles). This can change suddenly to a higher rate of loss so check your oil level regularly to avoid destroying your engine. Note that it is common for Prii to have sticky oil rings at about 150k miles and therefore burn some oil. The good news is that you can have a low mileage used engine installed in a Prius for about $2k so and keep your car on the road for a long time. JeffD
I too have noticed that the Gen III cars burn oil. I've known the GenII burned oil for a while now but the news of Gen III burning oil was shocking news. I purchased my 2010 used at almost 60,000 miles, fairly low miles. I checked the oil when I purchased and it was at the half way mark. Another member had mentioned this car takes more than 4qts and whoever did the oil change probably didn't put in more than 4qts, which makes perfect sense. So I topped off and got it to the full mark. After 2000 miles I checked the dipstick again and it's lower. Not a really significant amount but I would say about 1/6th lower than full after 2000 miles. I've always suspected the oil 0w-20 is too thin but that's what is engineered for the car. So that's that, the cars burn oil. Just watch the levels and don't let it go below the minimum mark. 10,000 OCI is really asking for trouble, people can go below the minimum mark and not notice between oil changes. I've had a Honda that also takes 0w-20, that engine also burned oil. In fact many Honda forums will have the same shocking complaints of oil burning on new cars. Can't say I remember reading about oil burning on new cars until the recommendation of 0w-20 came out and 10000 OCI
I do not know. Our gen 3 is the first car we've ever had, that consumes NO oil, so far, at 42000~ km. Knock on wood... Depends on how manufacturing tolerances stack up I guess, maybe we just got lucky.
My Gen2 burned no oil until 150k miles (that's about 200k kilometers) so Mendel just keep an eye on your baby Prius. JeffD
I was reading from the 200000+ mile forum and there are people there that have GenIIIs that don't burn much oil. That's why it was a shock to me to find out mine did burn oil. There's has to be an explanation to this, not sure what it is though. I have all service records from the dealer, all maintenance done. Very strange. I'm thinking the warmer climate and 0w-20 oil has something to do with it and also the 10k OCI
Like you Mendel, my 2010 doesn't use a drop between it's 8000km change intervals. It now has 93,000km's on it and when the 8000km change time comes about, the oil still really looks good. It has always used the Toyota 0w20 with the filter cartridge change. I did the first 3 changes, early during break-in; 4k/8k/12k and from 16,000kms on just the Canadian recommended 8000km interval. They did extend the interval in the US to something longer, but Toyota Canada kept it the same, likely because of our typically more severe weather, but looks like it is becoming worse down south than up here of late. Roland
I bought my Gen III with 66k miles. Now I'm at 115k miles and starting to notice consumption. I hope it's my 100 mile hilly commute plus the much colder weather we've had down south. I've checked and there's no leakage so it's going somewhere! I need to change my plugs and check the condition. Also figured the PCV valve needed replacing also.
Follow-up: It must be burning oil! Had my regular Toyota Dealership Oil and Filter change and it is at about the same mileage (halfway into the 10,000 recommended mileage between changes) and guess what the check-engine light has come on and the oil is low. There has been no spots of oil in the garage or where I park at work daily. The oil doesn't show on the dip stick until after the car was run for a minute. The same holds true for the gas engine of a Hybrid as for a car with just a gas engine - the oil should show on the dip stick when the car is parked and the engine is off. I am going to top it off and park it and get ready to trade it off! I am driving our lower mileage Corolla today. Bought it for my daughter and she still doesn't have her driver's license. I think my next new or newer car will be a Cadillac XTS or CTS! The dealership wants $125 to hook it up for diagnostics, where a Pep Boys and other shops will hook it up and give you the code for free! It is obvious that the car is using oil. But the dealership has just left me out in the cold even after I told their Service Adviser about the ab0ut this before the last service and before the last recall service was done. I was hoping that recall had been the cause, but as it has happened again, I don't think so! All they said was that I could bring it back in and they could test to see if it was using oil (burning). My parents (years ago) always drove second-owner Cadillacs and I think I am going to give them a try next. I have had a Camry, and still have a 2001 4Runner, and had a 2003 Prius, and have a 2007 Corolla and the 2010 Prius; so I have been pretty faithful to Toyota, but it may be time for a change!
Follow-up: It must be burning oil! Burning oil isn't such a bad thing. It gets close to 50mpg. Just top off every 2000 miles and that's it. $3 every 2000 miles is really nothing if there is nothing else wrong with the car.