I was shopping this morning. As I passed many gas stations I noted that the price was way up since last Sat. Most places were at least $2.59/gal. I lucked out @ Sam's Club. Reg. was $2.39/gal. and super was $2.59. I guess they didn't get another delivery yet. This all is most disheartening. There does not seem to be any justice for folks that live to pay bills and try to figure out what to do when they get too old to work anymore.
Similar to here in Lubbock. Gas was about $2.14 ten days ago, now it is $2.50. Made me sad when I saw the jump to $2.30. Then it made me mad that when it went up another 15-20cents that I didn't get gas earlier in the week! Not that is probably going to go down that much before I would have to get gas again.
$2.39 down the street from me as of this morning, granted that's the lowest price in the area (I live in Long Beach, CA), but it's still there. If you want to save money on gas check out gasbuddy.com they have links for most areas for cheap gas.
It's really going up in FL. $2.59 for regular, and had to fill the motorcycle with premium and that was $2.74! And don't you just love the reasons the media gives us for the increase.
Prices jumped up 10 cents every night til it stopped at $2.49. Something just ain't right. We're being screwed.
Of course we're beeing screwed! It's because Washington has washed they're hands of regulating big oil. I'd love to get 1/100th of what big oil is paying off the politicans!
saw 2.55 here at several places yesterday afternoon. Luckily there's a place only 10 miles north of me that is always, and i do mean always, 15-20 cents cheeper. And with the prius, thats not even all that far anymore!
Ah... but not nearly as much as we are screwing the environment by making and consuming our cheap gasoline. (somebody's gonna get mad here pretty soon, I can tell. Not trying to bait... just speaking my mind).
I mostly agree with you. However, the problem with gas prices going up is that it really hits low income people hard. These are people who can't afford to buy a Prius or an EV. And, given the pathetic state of public transportation in the US, a lot of people don't have any other options for getting to their job. I've always thought that a $3/gallon tax on gas by the gov't was a good idea, but there are more complex issues that need to be worked out if we're actually going to do something like that.
I work for a non-profit and our vans are old and bad on mileage. Increased gas prices really affect us in a big way. Gas here has gone up significantly in the last couple of weeks. The Arco down the street is $2.61 and that is low by SD standards. I am glad I have my Prius but as someone mentioned earlier, not everyone can afford our option. Gas here in the states is way cheaper than Europe so we still don't have much to complain about.
MSNBC had a report on rising gas prices this AM based on the one they did on the Nightly News last night. They think that prices will jump in the next several months due to a number of issues (global oil demand, unrest in oil producing nations, the effect of the 2005 hurricanes on US refineries). The biggest issue they see is the requirement to have a cleaner blend of gasoline by adding ethanol available in areas where it had not been previously required by May 6. Apparently, there is insufficient production of ethanol which will lead to shortages that will affect local gas prices. They suggest local spikes in the $3 to $3.50 range by the beginning of summer.
The most interesting thing I find is that gas can vary by 15 cents within a 5 mile radius. SO much for the conspiracy theorists....
Anybody familar with This Site? You can pick your state/province and see what the price range is. Quite handy as the prices are reported by members and are usually quite up to date.
You're lucky you don't live in small town in NM like I do. Once one gas station raises it prices...they all do to the same price...no competition!! The best bet to get low gas cost around here is to go to one of the stations after hours and you get a 4 cent break or buy a WalMart gas card and get a 3 cent break at the Mirastar station.
When people start doing the speed limit, then I'll say gas has gone up enough. We're not there yet, folks. People are still driving like gas is cheap.
Europeans don't ride around in SUVs or huge pickup trucks from what I've heard. Their economy is used to those prices, we aren't. It's costing us at food stores, utility bills, cable, the list just goes on & gets bigger.