Hi all, I drive a PiP and I simply love it. great on almost everything. There are few little annoying things which are missig in the car and I slowly add them in, but I will write about them in a separate thread. One of these missing features is the Automatic Door Lock when the car starts moving or when you start driving (10 km or 7 mp per hour trigger). I know I can click the lock button and lock the doors, yet, I regularly forget and Im not really comfortable when the Mrs drives with the kids in the evenings with unlocked doors. Did any of you managed to add this in ? Thanks, Raviv
http://www.toyota.com/t3Portal/document/om/OM47787U/pdf/sec_06-02.pdf Page 4 of this PDF indicates it is a customizable feature you can select. It points to Page 134 or Page 591 of the manual. http://www.toyota.com/t3Portal/document/om/OM47787U/pdf/sec_01-04.pdf Page 29 of this PDF, page 136 of the manual, explains shift position, and speed sensitive automatic locking and unlocking
First, I was embarassed to miss that out in my owner's manual. I read it from cover to cover before I even got the car. Twice! Now I realized, my PiP doesn't respond to the sequence described in your manual. My manual doesn't even have this chapter. Another feature they removed for EU models I guess.
Sorry, I would have sworn I got the year and model correct, but I only have (easy) access to US manuals.
true, the UK model does not have this auto locking when the car start to shift. I saw several modifications that people did via some re-wiring but I am a bit worried to start cutting wires in the car. Thanks for the help JimboPalmer. Appreciate the try.
UK Owner of a Prius+ here. I bought a device that got my Prius+ to behave exactly the way you want plus more. Here is my post about it: Japanese accessory: OBD-II Auto Speed Lock | PriusChat The thread hadn't had much attention I think since this is US forum and the US variants have this by default or can be enabled. Further more, someone replied and dismissed this product as having a security concern. Anyway, I've never had the doors unlock when I didn't want it to. Contact me via private chat if any interest. Hope this helps.