Ok, sorry for the nooby question: I've worked on all my own cars for 10+ years. I used to run a ECU reprogramming business. BUT my girlfriend recently ran her 1st gen Prius out of gas (blinking light issue) and I have no experience with this hybrid system. Now the dealer is saying the computer and computer relay have to be replaced because "running out of gas fried the computer and relay". When asked how, he said it's because its "cutting edge technology". I'm no spring chicken, I didn't fall off a turnip truck, and I built an all electric car (ford escort conversion) in 1996, BUT before I get fresh with this guy I want to make sure there is nothing I'm over looking with the Prius hybrid system. I can't come up with any electronic and mechanical way for how the computer died after running out of gas. Kill the fuel pump, I can see, ruin the batteries (?) maybe. HELP! Thanks!!!
I take it that the Prius won't drive now? We've had several members run out of gas and have experienced no problems. That sounds strange. Bummer in any case.
So... what happened after filling the tank back up? Driving without gas available is battery-pack abuse, but it won't destroy it. The result is shortened life. That's it though. Starting the engine back up after getting gas should be no big deal. The fuel pump can overheat too, since there wasn't any liquid available to keep in cooled. Frying the computer makes no sense. A major part of this story is obviously still missing.
ask for a detailed explanation, tell them you know your cars. "cutting edge technology" isn't going to cut it as an explanation. if they can't come up with anything... time for a second opinion.
Did your girlfriend tell the dealer that she ran out of gas? No harm can be done to the computers by running out of gas. But the trouble codes that set when one runs out of gas are similar to the codes referred to in one of Toyota's TSBs. The TSB is for an updated engine ECU, relay, and depending on the VIN number a fuel tank. If the car is less than 8 years old and has fewer than 80,000 miles the engine ECU is still under waranty. If the vehicle is still under waranty I would let the dealer replace the engine ECU just to get the updated version. (Classic Prius ECUs can't be flashed)
The dealer doesn't know what they are talking about. Running out of gas will not ruin the computer. You may have burnt out the fuel pump but that is even unlikely. Go to another dealer.
get fresh and get the codes, post them here and most likley you'll get a proper answer. Run out of gas for a second and the triangle of doom lights. Put gas in it and it goes out. Tell the dealer to write down all the codes and then clear them and try and start the car. With gas in it, it should go.
Thank you all. She got the car towed to the dealer and we're dealing with the expenses now. They will cover the ECU but are saying that the relay is not covered by the warrantee and that she has to pay for the tow too because the car was low on gas. I don't know the current codes but I did pull a cylinder 3 misfire code on my OBD2 scanner about two weeks ago which may have been unrelated or the ECU taking a dump. The car is sitting at the dealership now. Thanks for the help!
When my Prius was a week old, I ran out of gas in the middle of Montana. I ran on battery power until it ran out, too, triangle of death and all. Then I hitch-hiked 30 miles to a gas station, bought a gas can and gas, hitch-hiked back to the Prius, put gas in it... AND IT WAS FINE! No problems at all, just like running out of gas in any other car. I'm sure some little record was stored in the computer saying "this idiot driver ran out of gas in a bad spot" but the car has been without trouble for a year since, and I don't let it run down to one bar on the gas guage anymore, because flashing bar = empty tank in another mile.
How odd, the first time I got a flashing bar I went for about 20 miles, but I do not let it get that bad anymore, I just didn't know as the car is new to me.