At 30,000 miles on my 2012 'v', changed the transaxle fluid. Car is level on jackstands, drained from drain plug, replaced plug and washer. Refilled with 4 qts of Toyota ATF-WS, and is just below " the inner surface of the filler plug opening" per instructions. My concern is that it took 4 qts and not 3.5 that all specifications say. One guy at the dealership says, sometimes they take more, another guy says he hasn't heard of that before. Thanks. Anyone else here put in more than called for? I would have expected 1/2 quart extra to flow out the filler hole! I'll drive it tomorrow and see how it acts.
When I changed transmission fluid in my BMW, I measured what I removed, and put back in what I measured. I would do the same to my prius when the time comes. Is the spec 3.5 quarts dry or is that for a drain and fill?
Curious why you changed it at 30k? Doesn't the owners manual recommend a much longer interval on changing that fluid?
Just being an older guy, used to changing fluids more often. I think 100,000 miles is too much for trans fluid. Should be same specs as hatchback, of which I had a 2010, also changed at 30,000, it took 3.5 qts according to my records kept. Toyota specs say "3.5 US qts for drain and refill, then level to be between 0 to 10mm from lowest position of the inner surface of the filler plug opening." FYI, it was a simple job to complete, there are quite a few posts on the Gen 3 forum explaining.
Congrats! And 30000 miles by no means too early. You could stretch the next change, the first change is more crucial. I've changed ours twice, and at the first (very early, around 12000 miles) it was looking markedly darker/grungy. The next change, about the same interval (again, ridiculously early), looked like new, definitely overkill. The simplest method for getting the level right is to follow the Repair Manual instruction. No point to measuring what came out: what if it was low to begin with? Just add fresh fluid 'till it starts coming back out, with the car level. Sounds like you had just enough with the 4 quarts. With our regular hatchback, I had 4 liters on hand. Liters being a bit bigger, by a ratio of .946/1.000. It took slightly more than 3.5 liters before it started coming back out. That translates to slightly more than 3.7 quarts. All I can think: 1. The Prius v transaxle has a bit more capacity. 2. The car wasn't quite level. 3. Your drain was more effective, you got more out. At any rate, the spec is 0 to 10 mm below lip of fill hole, with the car level. If you can feel the fluid through the hole, sounds like you're at most 5 mm below the lip, so all is good.
Thanks, I've driven it now about 100 miles in and out of city, all seems fine. Drained oil was pretty dirty looking, so believe sooner than later is best. Car was up on jack stands perfectly level. So, I am confident it is within specs even though it took more than expected.
Thanks. I'm all about doing the right thing by the car, so I have my tranny oil on order. Sounds like it's good to change it at least once early.
FYI, the drain and filler plug torque should be 37 lbs/ft (50 Nm) according to the Toyota Tech Info Services System. My info from my old 2010 liftback said 29 lbs/ft.