My Virgin Mobile phone (Buddy-something) does not have BT capability. I saw this adapter recently for around $39 and was wondering if anyone had used it to link up with the hands free system on an '06. Thanks for any feedback.
your Prius will not know the difference since the BT adapter transmits a BT signal. keep in mind that those adapters only transmit voice info. so ya it will work in the same limited capacity (no phone book transfer)
OP, did you try it out yet? I was curious about these as well. I didn't think it would work since those adapters normally don't support the BT Hands Free Profile. How can it dial from the car if it is only plugged into the headset port on the phone? Of course, I could be totally wrong.
the adapter transmits the same info as any other BT phone would. your car will not know the difference. your phone would have to allow handsfree operation. that would usually mean configuring its options through the menu for dealing with calls, etc. all other functions that the phone supports like voice activated dialing will work. keep in mind that if your phone does not support voice dialing, adding the adapter will not add that functionality.
Just for kicks, I picked up the Cardo BT adapter at Radio Shack today. Changed Prius code to 0000, put adapter into pairing but pairing did not complete. Tried a few times but never worked. I have already paired two different BT phones with my car, but i can't get this BT adapter to work. Any ideas?
I bought this adapter before I got my samsung A900 and I did not get it to work. I was trying to save some money by not having to buy a bt phone but it didn't work. I am not sure if I did something wrong or the adapter is not compatible with the car, but I am pertty sure the adapter is not ment to link with a car. I hope this helps
Not excatly. A phone would have the headset and the hands-free profile available. You would need to find an BT adapter that supports both of these instead of just Headset.
So let's say that one of us - preferably I - get the bluetooth adaptor to interface with the Prius. Knowing that the contacts will not transfer, does that mean I will have to manuall type them in myself? Granted, that represents more effort than a wireless data transfer, but it's not going to kill me. Also, it looks as though Radio Shack carries the Motorola bluetooth adaptor I'm interested in for my Motorola phone: ( The Shack has always been good to me when it comes to testing something and returning it if it doesn't work. This looks like an experiment and adventure for me. One more question: since I've not messed with bluetooth and contacts before - and because I don't feel like RTFM - how many contacts can the Prius store?