New here. Trying to help a friend. I have a couple questions about headlights. Any help is appreciated. I need the complete lens and light. The car is a 2010, i think lol. Are there any brands you would recommend for aftermarket headlights? HID lights are what I need. Do they make Halo headlights for the prius? Any reliable websites you can recommend to purchase these parts would be great too. Thanks again everyone!
I see that you just started an account here, so I'm not sure if you'll be back, but this may also help someone else. In any case, there's a driver's side headlight assembly on the Amazon warehouse site right now for under $50 shipped.... Only one available, but it's been there for about a month.
I'd recommend this one. Quite a few guys here have done it. There's an install video on their site too. Seems pretty painless. Toyota Prius HID Xenon Headlight Package Deal - Toyota Prius HID Lights