I know this is off-topic but I am thinking to change OEM camera with after market camry camera (has grid lines) but I am not sure if quality is the same
I think it would have to be better. Not only does the Prius cam not have grid lines, it's fisheye view wouldn't even help me to estimate how far I was from an object. About all it does is eliminate part of a huge blind spot. I test drove a Rav4 before I bought the Prius and it's camera was worlds better. If it had the fisheye effect at all it wasn't nearly as pronounced.
Tell em guys... gotta do more sit ups and planks if u wanna be Spartan!! wait... did I really jus post this!? lol maybe change your name to Planksalot?
Looks like I never made it into the Blizzard Brigade when I bought my 2010 Prius III. Just traded it in for a 2014 Prius Three with Solar and figured I would make sure to get my name in now. I do demand a recount, however, so I can find my rightful spot in the lower tier.
So had this blizzard pearl follow me north on i95 until you exited on lake worth about 3o minutes ago! Had hids, fogs, jdm side mirrors, LEDs, and I think u did a mod with your drls.. Hope you are on here! Would be cool to have a Prius mini meet!! Haha
#267 checking in… have not reported in for sometime… hope all my Blizzard Brethren are well…. Here's a couple new photos…