This is IT! Here's YOUR chance to put your money where your mouth is, and make us non-serving chickenhawks look bad! Who can make, the biggest, BADDEST, most BOLD, anti-war statement? Will we see certain PC members make headlines by dousing themselves with petrol on the White House lawn? Will certain members organize a giant DIE-IN such that when seen from the air, several hundred people lying in carboard coffins will resemble one GIANT coffin, or GWB's face? Will certain members organize a giant ORGY with everyone wearing latex Bush masks? Will certain PC members, at the very least, get arrested? :blink: I'd better not see certain people active on this site tomorrow.... :lol:
Oh, I would love to march in support of our Troops only..... enough said.. I need to get back to cleaning my guns... and waxing my Prius (well sat. morning) I think there will be only true peace thought the world.. the day all Humans are gone.. and not before.... a real shame if you think about it...
I couldn't agree more, ok, well I have no guns, but aside from that, I would march in support of our troops as well, all war is terrible, but sometimes it has to happen to prevent an even worse problem, as was the case with Iraq.
Hey, gotta work man, Saturday is actually my work week monday. So here I am on PC h34r: With spring break going on full strength, it would be a bad idea to call in sick etc. You know how it is co-eds by the thousands flying off to warmer climates, flights are full and all that. Tough job but someone has to do it...
Whats with this marching to support the troops BS? OF COURSE we all support the troops themselves. They are our friends, neighbors and brothers and sisters. The neocons have started the rumor if you are against the war you are against the troops. DON"T LET THE OPPOSITION DEFINE YOU! The marches nationally are about the DECLARATION of WAR on false pretenses. The marches are also in UNsupport of our dictator's policies. I will have the stated puropse of marching to protest allowing Bin Laden run free and have the ability to train more of his AL Quida (where's spell check?). REMEMBER who is the boogy man who ATACKED us on our own soil. Don't get sidetracked!
Actually, if you are against the war you are against the troops, the war is just and right,, albeit difficult, no one ever said war was easy, nor is it fun, but it is needed at times and to get rid of someone as terrible as Saddam it's worth it. Anyone who does things like that to little kids deserves far worse than what he's gotten. Now yes we should go after Bin Laden as well, but we only can go in so many directions, if we knew where he is we should get him, but at the same time we have to protect our interests and don't forget Iraq was funding terrorism and needed to be deal with as well.
Well I live in a very progressive part of the country and have not heard one person disparage the troops, only the motovation of attacking a country which did not attack us. If you don't hear talk against the troops here there is a good chance you won't hear it ALMOST anywhere. I am extremely well read and informed and the only time I hear talk of being against the troops is on FAUX "NEWS". As usual, it's the neocons trying to divert out attention away from their agenda and turn us against ourselves. I know absolutely no one who is against the troops themselves, only against the pusillanimous behavior of Bush.
That is a neat bit of propaganda that Goebbels would be proud of. So much for the 1st Amendment. At least here we can carry on an honest debate of the role of Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan without being labeled “unpatriotic†or some such nonsense. That’s what I’m really glad to leave behind: that bullshit “you’re with us or against us†attitude. Last time I checked, we’re all the same species and *should* be on the same side.
Actually, that has always been my attitude, no brainwashing involved, bottom line is you are either with us or against us is quite right, there are no gray areas, I on't like war, but I understand it, it was waged to get rid of an Evil person, that doesn't need any further justification, I do think that President Bush did the wrong thing in giving reasons such as that they had Weapons of Mass Destruction, etc, just say we are going after evil and that should be enough, end of story. It doesn't matter if they attacked us or not, Sadaam is evil by any standards and needed to be eliminated, as evil poses a threat to all. Yes we should be going after Castro in Cuba and of course let's not forget Bin Laddan, we need to find him and killl him on sight. There are many more that need to be delt with and we have the might to do it, we should be doing it and hopefully someday we will get a President with enough of a backbone to do it, as well as perhaps deporting all ** illegal ** immigrants, that would solve a lot of our problems here as well. Please note that if you came here legally I have no problems, but if you came to America illegally, you are breaking the law, no matter what country you came from and should be punished for your crimes accordingly.
You know? I think you'd make a great president these days. Everyone is either good or evil. We eliminate the evil people. No need to consider subtleties or to think carefully about any of the issues of removing an "evil" person from power. Wonderful. EDIT: Oh yes. And you either give your full-throated support to the current military effort, or you must hate America. That's my favorite.
Still waiting for the anti-Bush bandwagoneers to name ONE other head of state/dictator/etc., who not only once possessed WMD's, but actually USED them... ...and no, FDR, is NOT an answer... :lol:
OK. I guess you have to tell us your definition of WMDs. And what action of Hussein's are you refering to? The attack on Kuwait? The use of biological weapons on the Kurds? Or something else?
Perhaps you should revisit "Triumph of The Will" by Leni Riefensthal, you will be presented with a SUPER CLEAN explanation how black and white 'philosophy' applies when it comes to support THE MAN in the uniform. Multitude of grey areas as far as I am concerned, unless one has never studied history and obediently sticks to some very limiting source of information. The march goes on!!! You'll get exemplary marches with all that militaristic paraphernalia in this classic. It gives many a hard-on, well, maybe even an ejaculation. Again keep marching, as that is a manifestation of advanced human being.
I love it when rich white people from Marin County talk about how progressive and pro-military they are. Highest-income counties in the United States: #1: Marin County, California All but one Bay Area county are racially/ethnically diverse, with diversity indices between 63.12 and 75.41, and most have White populations under 50 percent. Marin County is the one exception, with a much lower diversity index (37.47) and a larger White population (78.55 percent). Substantial variation exists in the racial/ethnic diversity of individual communities within each county. not heard one person disparage the troops . . . I am extremely well read and informed†??? Hey MarinJohn, what happened to your sailboat avatar?
No, but Truman is... Also, Unit 731 (Japan) during WWII. Hilter on the Jews. Gas warfare by the British/French/Germans during WWI. Iran in retailiation for Iraq using them in the Iran/Iraq war. After reading "Fly Boys" I think the first one made a lot of sense. The others were motivated by sadism. The last two were the result of incompetent leadership that was unable to think of a better way.
Sorry to bore everyone to death, but could we at least get a little realistic about what impact our words and symbolic acts "over here" have on how well American soldiers perform in Iraq---positive or negative? Could we have that much intellectual honesty? It's nil. America is the land of the Grand Symbolic Gesture. Tying ribbons around trees; putting decals of ribbons, or bumper stickers, on cars; writing letters to the editor; walking down a street with a sign in our hands. These things ain't for THEM; it's for US. It's our verbal/symbolic MASTURBATION, born of frustration and a sense of helplessness. Does anyone seriously think ANY American soldier hears on Armed Forces radio about a "pro-war" demonstration in Chicago and resolves to "fight harder" next time out? Or, conversely, that he or she is demoralized upon hearing about an anti-war rally in San Francisco and says, "oh, shucks, why bother---might as well let myself get killed"? Or that some enemy combatant(s) is/are "emboldened" by words spoken here, or the decal on your trunk lid? That ANY of us has the ability to "aid the enemy" in any way? By sending soldiers to Iraq ill-trained (despite unprecedented lead time!), and with insufficient body armor and vehicle armor, our own government, from Shock and Awe Day on, did far more to "fail to support the troops" and to "embolden the enemy" than any THOUSAND demonstrations could ever hope to do. So let's cut the crap about "supporting the troops" (or not). That's eyewash, and unbecoming of us. It's about our OWN ideologies, in our OWN little heads---and about liking Bush or not liking him. Nothing more.