I work for a large world-wide systems integrator. The particular office I work out of has about 100 cars in the parking lot. These include: 1 1st G Prius 2 2nd G Prius (one's mine of course ) 1 Hybrid Accord 1 Lexus 400h (this beaut is brand new and just showed up this week!) 5% hybrid in the Motor City. Kinda sends a message, doncha think?
Well out of less than 75 active staff we are at 2 Honda Civics, 12 04-06 Prii and 2 1st G Prii in the lot on a regular basis. That I can count as different cars. I saw a new Ford Escape hybrid I am going to see who drives it and button whole the driver for a test drive. No Lexus 400h. A bunch of Doc's go figure. I am proud to say that the Medical Staff is embracing the Prius.
Cool. Just remember I'm not talkin' 'bout no left coast... this is a suburb of Detroit right near the North American home of Daimler Chrysler. Seeing a Prius over here still has me pointing and saying, Hey! Look! There goes a Prius!" Still, times they are a changin'.
My work's parking lot looks like a Prius lot, we have about 25-30, granted we are in a complex of offices, but there are a lot, when the guy came to install my alarm (yes I know it might be a bit overkill, but my old car was broken into, not stolen though, jsut took stuff out of it and I simply want to avoid that hassle) he said he had never seen so many in one lot before. I would say when driving around the area about 1 in 3 cars is a Prius.
I passed Bob Lutz in a parking lot the other day as he was helping his wife into their car. I was no more than twenty feet away and in dead silent stealth mode. He noticed, I just hope he cared.
Okay, I have to admit I had no idea who Bob Lutz was, but thank you for providing the link so I could get a good laugh out loud! Twenty years of GM cars, mostly Pontiac, but I love the Prius and so thankful for high gas prices to make me look outside the box that is GM glovebox.
hmm. i forget just how many prii are in my lot... there's 2 black ones now, 2 red ones, 2 blue, a tideland, a driftwood, and i think 3 of the 1st gen's. i'm probably missing some too. plus a smattering of HCHs (they all look the same, i lost count), an RX400h and (i think 2) HiHy's. lot capacity is 814, and it's usually full.